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class Animals(EnumBase):
    _dog = 'Dog'
    _cat = 'Cat'

    def dog(cls):
        A four legged creature that loves humans too much.
        return cls._dog

    def cat(cls):
        Rules over humans.
        return cls._cat

print(Animals.dog) # Outputs 'Dog' so programmatically works perfect

我的代码在技术上可以正常工作,但是VS Code Intellisense无法读取枚举的文档字符串。例如,当我将鼠标悬停在dog中的print(Animals.dog)上时,将不会输出其文档字符串。我认为这是由于classproperty装饰器引起的,但是我不知道这样做的更好方法(除非我切换到类方法,但我想避免使用[[unneeded寄生)。



class classproperty(property): """ Class method property decorator. (Used via @classproperty) A @classmethod allows us to call stuff from classes like: Foo.bar() A @property allows us to call functions like: Foo().bar But we want enum functionality with doc strings like: Foo.bar Thus the usecase of this decorator. """ def __get__(self, cls, owner): """ Redefining get. """ return classmethod(self.fget).__get__(None, owner)() class _MetaEnum(type): """ Meta class needed to overload the __contains__ method for EnumBase. """ def __contains__(cls, val): """ Opertator overload for the `in` operator at a class level. Will return true if `x` is one of the enum values stored in the child class of the base class. """ return val in cls._get_contents() def __str__(cls): """ String operator overload. """ return ', '.join(str(x) for x in cls._get_contents()) def __iter__(cls): """ Returns a generator for all elements in a class. """ return (x for x in cls._get_contents()) class EnumBase(metaclass=_MetaEnum): """ An enum base class that can be inherited by Enum classses. Allows the `in` operation to be perform as well as auto str formatting. Example: class Foo(EnumBase): a = 2 b = 3 c = 4 print(2 in Foo) # True print(Foo) # 2, 3, 4 """ @classmethod def _get_contents(cls): """ Returns a set of all different enum values. """ # Get all class attributes that are not methods attributes = inspect.getmembers(cls, lambda a: not inspect.isroutiane(a)) # Turn all attributes that aren't private (such as __dict__) to a set # and return it. return {a[1] for a in attributes if not(a[0].startswith('__') and a[0].endswith('__'))} class Animals(EnumBase): _dog = 'Dog' _cat = 'Cat' @classproperty def dog(cls): """ A four legged creature that loves humans too much. """ return cls._dog @classproperty def cat(cls): """ Rules over humans. """ return cls._cat

python python-3.x visual-studio-code decorator docstring
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