$pricelists = [];
$pricelistcount = 1;
if ($request->hasFile('project_pricelist_url')) {
$existingPricelists = $project->project_pricelist_url ?: [];
foreach ($existingPricelists as $existingPricelist) {
Storage::delete('public/project/pricelists/' . $existingPricelist);
foreach ($existingPricelists as $existingFilename) {
$pricelists[] = $existingFilename; // Add existing filenames to the new array
foreach ($request->file('project_pricelist_url') as $file) {
$currentDateTime = now()->format('YmdHis');
$filename = $initials . "_" . $pricelistcount . '_' . $currentDateTime . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); // Buat nama unik untuk setiap file
$file->storeAs('public/project/pricelists', $filename); // Simpan file ke direktori yang diinginkan
$pricelists[] = $filename; // Simpan nama file dalam array
$project->project_pricelist_url = json_encode($pricelists);
也尝试过 json_decode ,但是返回
json_decode(): Argument #1 ($json) must be of type string, array given
第一个错误,三元运算符只有 else 部分
if ($request->hasFile('project_pricelist_url')) {
$existingPricelists = $project->project_pricelist_url ? $project->project_pricelist_url : [];
foreach ($existingPricelists as $existingPricelist) {
Storage::delete('public/project/pricelists/' . $existingPricelist);
foreach ($existingPricelists as $existingFilename) {
$pricelists[] = $existingFilename; // Add existing filenames to the new array
foreach ($request->file('project_pricelist_url') as $file) {
$currentDateTime = now()->format('YmdHis');
$filename = $initials . "_" . $pricelistcount . '_' . $currentDateTime . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); // Buat nama unik untuk setiap file
$file->move(public_path('project/pricelists'), $filename); // Simpan file ke direktori yang diinginkan
$pricelists[] = $filename; // Simpan nama file dalam array
$project->project_pricelist_url = json_encode($pricelists);