
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


"main", "1", "Main.java:4", "Field Write", "staticVariable is updated to 1"
"main", "2", "SYSTEM", "System Start", " "


import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.After;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.MethodSignature;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;

public class AspectJAspect 
private static long aspectStartTime; // Variable to store the start time of the aspect
    private static int serialNumber = 1;

    // Pointcut to capture the main method of any class across any package
    @Pointcut("execution(public static void main(String[]))")
    public void mainMethod() {}

    // Advice triggered before entering the main method
    public void beforeMainMethodExecution(JoinPoint joinPoint) 
       // Capture start time of the aspect
       aspectStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
       // Print system start and thread start messages
       System.out.println("\"main\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"SYSTEM\"" + ", \"System Start\", \" \"");
       System.out.println("\"main\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"SYSTEM\"" + ", \"Thread Start\", \"main\"");
       // Print type load messages for Object class and the declaring class of the main method
       System.out.println("\"main\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"SYSTEM\"" + ", \"Type Load\", \"class=java.lang.Object\"");
       System.out.println("\"main\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"SYSTEM\"" + ", \"Type Load\", \"class=" + joinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringType().getName() + "\"");

    // Pointcut to capture any method execution
    @Pointcut("execution(* *(..))")
    public void anyMethod() {}

    // Pointcut to capture any constructor execution
    public void anyConstructor() {}

    // Pointcut to capture field updates within methods
    @Pointcut("set(* *) && !within(AspectJAspect)")
    public void fieldUpdate() {}

    // Advice triggered before any method execution
    public void beforeMethodExecution(JoinPoint joinPoint) 
        // Get thread name, method name, and source information
       String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
       MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
       String methodName = signature.getName();
       String sourceInfo = joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getFileName() + ":" + joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getLine();
       // Print method entry message
       System.out.println("\"" + threadName + "\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"" + sourceInfo + "\"" + ", \"Method Entry\", \"" + methodName + "\"");

    // Advice triggered after a field update within a method
    public void afterFieldUpdate(JoinPoint joinPoint) 
       // Get field name, new value, thread name, and source information
       String fieldName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
       Object newValue = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
       String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
       String sourceInfo = joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getFileName() + ":" + joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getLine();
       // Check if the method signature represents a constructor
       boolean isConstructor = joinPoint.getSignature() instanceof MethodSignature &&
                             ((MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod().getName().equals("<init>");
       // Print field write message
       if (isConstructor) 
           System.out.println("\"" + threadName + "\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"" + sourceInfo + "\"" + ", \"Field Write\", \"" + fieldName + " is updated to " + newValue + "\"");
           System.out.println("\"" + threadName + "\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"" + sourceInfo + "\"" + ", \"Field Write\", \"" + fieldName + " is updated to " + newValue + "\"");

     // Advice triggered after any method execution
     public void afterMethodExecution(JoinPoint joinPoint) 
         // Get thread name, method name, and source information
         String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
         MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
         String methodName = signature.getName();
         String sourceInfo = joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getFileName() + ":" + joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getLine();
         // Print method exit message
         System.out.println("\"" + threadName + "\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"" + sourceInfo + "\"" + ", \"Method Exit\", \"" + methodName + "\"");

     // Advice triggered before any constructor execution
     public void beforeConstructorExecution(JoinPoint joinPoint) 
         // Get thread name, constructor name, and source information
         String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
         String constructorName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
         String sourceInfo = joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getFileName() + ":" + joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getLine();
         // Print constructor entry message
         System.out.println("\"" + threadName + "\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"" + sourceInfo + "\"" + ", \"Constructor Entry\", \"" + constructorName + "\"");

     // Advice triggered after any constructor execution
     public void afterConstructorExecution(JoinPoint joinPoint) 
         // Get thread name, constructor name, and source information
         String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
         String constructorName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
         String sourceInfo = joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getFileName() + ":" + joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getLine();
         // Print constructor exit message
         System.out.println("\"" + threadName + "\"" + ", \"" + serialNumber++ + "\"" + ", \"" + sourceInfo + "\"" + ", \"Constructor Exit\", \"" + constructorName + "\"");

    // Advice triggered after the main method exits of any class across any package
    @After("execution(public static void main(String[]))")
    public void afterMainMethod(JoinPoint joinPoint) 
         // Capture end time of the aspect
         long aspectEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         // Calculate aspect execution time
         long aspectExecutionTime = aspectEndTime - aspectStartTime;
         // Print aspect execution time
        System.out.println("Aspect execution time: " + aspectExecutionTime + " milliseconds");



public class Main 
    public static int staticVariable = 1;
    public int a;
    public int b;
    public int c;
    public int d;
    public int e;

    public Main(int d, int e) 
       this.d = d;
       this.e = e;

    public static void main(String[] args) 
       Main aop = new Main(5, 10);

    public void methodA(int value) 
       a = value;
       a = 20;

    public void methodB(int value)  
       b = value;
       c = 15;

    public void methodC(int value) 
       d = value;
       e = 25;

    public static void updateStaticVariable(int value) 
       staticVariable = value;


"main", "1", "Main.java:4", "Field Write", "staticVariable is updated to 1"
"main", "2", "SYSTEM", "System Start", " "
"main", "3", "SYSTEM", "Thread Start", "main"
"main", "4", "SYSTEM", "Type Load", "class=java.lang.Object"
"main", "5", "SYSTEM", "Type Load", "class=org.mazouz.aop.Main"
"main", "6", "Main.java:16", "Method Entry", "main"
"main", "7", "Main.java:17", "Constructor Entry", "<init>"
"main", "8", "Main.java:12", "Field Write", "d is updated to 5"
"main", "9", "Main.java:13", "Field Write", "e is updated to 10"
"main", "10", "Main.java:17", "Constructor Exit", "<init>"
"main", "11", "Main.java:24", "Method Entry", "methodA"
"main", "12", "Main.java:25", "Field Write", "a is updated to 5"
"main", "13", "Main.java:26", "Field Write", "a is updated to 20"
"main", "14", "Main.java:24", "Method Exit", "methodA"
"main", "15", "Main.java:29", "Method Entry", "methodB"
"main", "16", "Main.java:30", "Field Write", "b is updated to 6"
"main", "17", "Main.java:31", "Field Write", "c is updated to 15"
"main", "18", "Main.java:29", "Method Exit", "methodB"
"main", "19", "Main.java:34", "Method Entry", "methodC"
"main", "20", "Main.java:35", "Field Write", "d is updated to 7"
"main", "21", "Main.java:36", "Field Write", "e is updated to 25"
"main", "22", "Main.java:34", "Method Exit", "methodC"
"main", "23", "Main.java:39", "Method Entry", "updateStaticVariable"
"main", "24", "Main.java:40", "Field Write", "staticVariable is updated to 8"
"main", "25", "Main.java:39", "Method Exit", "updateStaticVariable"
"main", "26", "Main.java:16", "Method Exit", "main"
 Aspect execution time: 45 milliseconds


"main", "1", "Main.java:4", "Field Write", "staticVariable is updated to 1"
"main", "2", "SYSTEM", "System Start", " "

在输出中加载类型后,有什么方法可以捕获 Main 类中静态变量的值分配吗?

java monitoring aop aspectj trace

你所说的“系统启动”就是静态方法的执行。在此之前,包含该方法的目标类已经初始化,如 user85421 所解释的。




"main", "1", "SYSTEM", "System Start", " "
"main", "2", "SYSTEM", "Thread Start", "main"
"main", "3", "SYSTEM", "Type Load", "class=java.lang.Object"
"main", "4", "SYSTEM", "Type Load", "class=Main"
"main", "5", "Main.java:2", "Field Write", "staticVariable is updated to 1"
"main", "6", "Main.java:14", "Method Entry", "main"
"main", "7", "Main.java:15", "Constructor Entry", "<init>"
"main", "8", "Main.java:10", "Field Write", "d is updated to 5"
"main", "9", "Main.java:11", "Field Write", "e is updated to 10"

请参阅 https://eclipse.dev/aspectj/doc/latest/progguide/progguide.html#quick-pointcuts。我已经在您上一个问题的这个答案中向您指出了编程指南。

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