如何使用 pywinauto 从 Windows 开始菜单打开 google chrome

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的新手,我想从 Windows 开始菜单打开我自己的应用程序。

为此,如果我知道如何从 Windows 开始菜单打开 Google chrome,那么我就可以处理我的应用程序。 我已经浏览了下面 URL 中提到的代码,但不明白。 使用 pywinauto 自动化启动按钮


import pywinauto.application
app = pywinauto.application.Application().connect(path="explorer")
python python-3.x pywinauto

我知道这不是 pywinauto,但我对 pyautogui 更有经验。 在命令提示符中输入:

pip install pyautogui


import pyautogui
from time import sleep

x, y = pyautogui.position()  # gives the x and y of the bottom right corner
pyautogui.click(x, y-1)
sleep(1)  # ensure that we clicked may need to be extended for older systems
# or just pyautogui.write('win')

pyautogui.write("Google Chrome")
sleep(1) #ensure we typed it may need to be extended for older systems
pyautogui.press("enter") #press enter

给你!它会在两秒钟内打开 chrome。 如果您想访问网站,请添加以下内容:

sleep(3) #google chrome takes forever to load. Just checking. Also may 
need to be extended for older systems.
pyautogui.moveTo(10, y-10)
pyautogui.typewrite("URL/domain to go to", 0.25) #the 0.25 is a delay of 1/4 of a second, to bypass new chrome anti-bot protection.
sleep(12) #ensure we typed it. make sure to extend by the rule of 4 characters=add 1 also add 1 to that to make sure. this supports 40 character long URLs
pyautogui.press("enter") #press enter

好的,就这样吧。刚刚制作了一个脚本来打开 chrome 并(可选)转到 URL。

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