带iOS Passkey的电容如何获取注册数据

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我正在为我的 Ionic 应用程序实现 Passkey,但我找不到任何插件,所以我正在构建自己的插件。一切正常,直到触发本机 iOS 上的密钥,但我无法从 iOS 获取注册数据。如何从 AppDelegate 获取数据?我的代码基于Apple官方文档示例:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/authenticationservices/connecting_to_a_service_with_passkeys

在示例中,它需要 AppDelegate 来获取注册数据委托,但是我无法使我的 Capacitor 插件使用主 AppDelegate。因此,授权控制器在密钥注册后不会运行。从 webview 获取挑战并将其传递到本机并触发 iOS 设备上的密钥提示一切都已经正常,只是无法获取注册结果数据。


public class PasskeyPlugin: CAPPlugin {

    private let implementation = Passkey()
    @objc func create(_ call: CAPPluginCall) {
        let challenge: Data? = call.getString("challenge")!.data(using: .utf8)
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            let signInViewController = SignInViewController(challenge: challenge!)
            self.bridge?.viewController?.present(signInViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
            "platform": "iOS Native Passkey",


class SignInViewController: UIViewController {
    var challenge: Data!

    init(challenge: Data) {
        self.challenge = challenge
        print(self.challenge! as NSData)
        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        signInObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .UserSignedIn, object: nil, queue: nil) {_ in

        signInErrorObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .ModalSignInSheetCanceled, object: nil, queue: nil) { _ in

        guard let window = self.view.window else { fatalError("The view was not in the app's view hierarchy!") }
        let userName = "Name"
        let accountManager = AccountManager()
        accountManager.signUpWith(userName: userName, challenge: self.challenge, anchor: window)
        // I cannot use the AppDelegate with errors
        // (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.accountManager.signUpWith(userName: userName, challenge: self.challenge, anchor: window)


extension NSNotification.Name {
    static let UserSignedIn = Notification.Name("UserSignedInNotification")
    static let ModalSignInSheetCanceled = Notification.Name("ModalSignInSheetCanceledNotification")

class AccountManager: NSObject, ASAuthorizationControllerPresentationContextProviding, ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate {
    let domain = "com.domain.my"
    var authenticationAnchor: ASPresentationAnchor?
    var isPerformingModalReqest = false

    func signUpWith(userName: String, challenge: Data, anchor: ASPresentationAnchor) {
        self.authenticationAnchor = anchor
        if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
            let publicKeyCredentialProvider = ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider(relyingPartyIdentifier: domain)
            // The userID is the identifier for the user's account.
            // Hard coded for example purposes
            let userID = "d0a4bc91-2def-4567-8983-9188a4ca2048".data(using: .utf8)!

            let registrationRequest = publicKeyCredentialProvider.createCredentialRegistrationRequest(challenge: challenge,
                                                                                                      name: "Some name", userID: userID)

            let authController = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [ registrationRequest ] )
            authController.delegate = self
            authController.presentationContextProvider = self
            isPerformingModalReqest = true
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions

    func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithAuthorization authorization: ASAuthorization) {
        if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
            let logger = Logger()
            if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
                switch authorization.credential {
                case let credentialRegistration as ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistration:
                    logger.log("A new passkey was registered: \(credentialRegistration)")
                    // Verify the attestationObject and clientDataJSON with your service.
                    // The attestationObject contains the user's new public key to store and use for subsequent sign-ins.
                    // let attestationObject = credentialRegistration.rawAttestationObject
                    // let clientDataJSON = credentialRegistration.rawClientDataJSON
                    // After the server verifies the registration and creates the user account, sign in the user with the new account.
                case let credentialAssertion as ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialAssertion:
                    logger.log("A passkey was used to sign in: \(credentialAssertion)")
                    // Verify the below signature and clientDataJSON with your service for the given userID.
                    // let signature = credentialAssertion.signature
                    // let clientDataJSON = credentialAssertion.rawClientDataJSON
                    // let userID = credentialAssertion.userID
                    // After the server verifies the assertion, sign in the user.
                case let passwordCredential as ASPasswordCredential:
                    logger.log("A password was provided: \(passwordCredential)")
                    // Verify the userName and password with your service.
                    // let userName = passwordCredential.user
                    // let password = passwordCredential.password
                    // After the server verifies the userName and password, sign in the user.
                    fatalError("Received unknown authorization type.")
            } else {
                // Fallback on earlier versions
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions

        isPerformingModalReqest = false


ios swift ionic-framework capacitor capacitor-plugin

您能告诉我如何从自动填充凭据扩展中获取密码吗 如果我在 webauthn.io 上,那么我的应用程序会显示创建密钥弹出窗口,但然后什么也不起作用


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