
问题描述 投票:0回答:0

就上下文而言,我使用 pyTelegramBotAPI 来构建飞行跟踪器。我觉得下面的代码是正确的,但由于某种原因,当我单击任何内联按钮时,我只是在按钮上看到一个时钟图标,但没有任何响应。这就是我传递信息的方式,这个函数本身运行良好并且每次都会运行:

@bot.message_handler(commands=["start"], func=lambda msg: is_user(msg.chat.id))
async def start_is_user(m):
    cid = m.chat.id
    if next_step_handler(cid) == 'menu' or next_step_handler(cid) == 0: #function to define my next step
        currUser = db.users.find_one(str(cid)) #using mongodb here to get the currUser
        userStep[cid] = 'menu' #dict to keep track of the current step of the currUser
        await bot.send_chat_action(cid, "typing")
        await bot.send_message(
            (f"Hello {currUser['fname']}, I'm a bot programmed" 
        " to find you the best tickets home. To get started click on the following 👇"),

这就是我的 inline_generator 函数生成键盘的方式。我已经包含了上下文的 menu_options:

menu_options = [
    {'id': 1, 'name': 'New Flight'},
    {'id': 2, 'name': 'Track Flights'},
    {'id': 3, 'name': 'Settings'},

#fairly simple code to produce a grid of keys with width 2
def inline_generator(options):
    temp = []
    curr = 0
    keyboard = []
    while curr < len(options):
        while len(temp) < 2 and curr<len(options): #looks redundant but len(temp) can be under 2 and have curr>len(options) which I don't want
            temp.append(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=options[curr]['name'], callback_data=options[curr]['id']))
            curr += 1
        temp = []
    return types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=keyboard)


@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
async def menu_callback_query(call):
    cid = call.message.chat.id
    await bot.answer_callback_query(call.id)
    await bot.send_chat_action(cid, "typing")
    print(f"reached menu_callback_query and current call is {call.data}") #this print statement is never reached
    if call.data == 0:
        userStep[cid] = "menu"
    if call.data == 1 :
        await bot.edit_message_text(
        userStep[cid] = "ticket_type"
    if call.data == 2:
        await bot.answer_callback_query(call.id, responses["no_flights"])
    if call.data == 3:
        await bot.answer_callback_query(call.id, responses["not_user"])

我尝试使用消息处理程序而不是回调查询处理程序,但这不起作用。我还将回调查询处理程序中的 func 更改为 None 而不是 (func=lambda call: True),但这没有改变任何内容。


python telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot py-telegram-bot-api
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