ELM QueryString解析器不编译。

问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我真的很想学一点ELM,但是我的思路在查询解析时就崩溃了,我的想法是创建一个函数,通过名称来获取查询字符串的值,比如:给定一个查询字符串。?name=Neuber 这样的功能 getParam "name" 会回 Neuber


page 来自 从此

routeParser 来自 从此

module Main exposing (..)
-- import Url.Parser exposing (Parser, (</>), (<?>), oneOf, s)
import Url.Parser.Query exposing (int, map, map2, string)

type alias QueryParams =
  { search : Maybe String
  , page : Maybe Int

routeParser : Url.Parser.Query.Parser QueryParams
routeParser = map2 QueryParams (string "search") (int "page")

page : Url.Parser.Query.Parser Int
page = map (Result.withDefault 1) (int "page")


-- TYPE MISMATCH ---------------- /a/long/way/to/project/src/Main.elm

The 2nd argument to `map` is not what I expect:

15| page = map (Result.withDefault 1) (int "page")
This `int` call produces:

    Url.Parser.Query.Parser (Maybe Int)

But `map` needs the 2nd argument to be:

    Url.Parser.Query.Parser (Result x number)

Hint: I always figure out the argument types from left to right. If an argument
is acceptable, I assume it is “correct” and move on. So the problem may actually
be in one of the previous arguments!
functional-programming elm

眼前的问题是 int "page" 将返回一个 Maybe Int但你却想用它与 Result.withDefault,正如错误信息所说,它的期望是一个 Result. 解决这个问题的方法是使用 Maybe.withDefault 而不是。

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