DFS 递归搜索字典列表中的每个键的值

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


[{"a": ["b", "c", "d"]},
{"b":["e", "z", "g"]},
{"g":["c", "f", "z"]},  
{"z":["w", "y", "x"]}]


"b", "c", and "d"
"e", "z", "g", "f", "w", "y", "z"


[{"a": ["e", "z", "g", "f", "w", "y", "z"]},
    {"b":["c", "f",, "w", "y", "x"]},
    {"g":["w", "y", "x"]},  

python depth-first-search


def dfs(dictionary : dict, start : str, visited : set) -> set:
    # Add the current key to the visited set

    # If the current key has no dependencies return the visited set
    if dictionary.get(start) is None:
        return visited

    # For each dependency of the current key, if it is not visited, call dfs on it
    # This will find all the dependencies of that dependency and so on, until there are no more dependencies.
    for value in dictionary.get(start):
        if value not in visited:
            dfs(dictionary, value, visited)

    # Return the visited set
    return visited

def indirect_dependenices(list_of_dictionaries : list) -> list:
    # Merge all the dictionaries into one
    merged_dictionary = {key:value for dictionary in list_of_dictionaries for key,value in dictionary.items()}

    # Initialize the output list
    output = []

    for key in merged_dictionary:
        visited = set()
        # for each key in the dictionary find among the other all its dependencies (both direct and indirect)
        dependencies = dfs(merged_dictionary, key, visited)

        # remove the direct dependencies
        dependencies = dependencies - set(merged_dictionary.get(key)) - set(key)
        # add the key and its indirect dependencies to the output
        output.append({key: list(dependencies)})
    return output

def main():
    # Initialize the list of dictionaries
    list_of_dictionaries = [{"a": ["b", "c", "d"]}, {"b":["e", "z", "g"]}, {"g":["c", "f", "z"]}, {"z":["w", "y", "x"]}]

    output = indirect_dependenices(list_of_dictionaries)

if __name__ == "__main__":

提供的代码首先将字典列表合并到一个字典中,然后循环遍历所有键并执行 DFS 以查找该键的所有依赖项(直接和间接)。在将结果附加到输出之前,直接依赖项从列表中删除。





def collect_dependencies(graph, node, dependencies):
    Recursive function to collect indirect dependencies for a given node in a graph
    if node not in graph: # If node is not in graph, return False
        return False
    for neighbor in graph[node]: # Looping through each neighbor of the node
        if neighbor in graph: # Checking if the neighbor is a node in the graph
            collect_dependencies(graph, neighbor, dependencies) # Collecting indirect dependencies for the neighbor
        elif neighbor not in dependencies: # Checking if the neighbor is not already in the list of dependencies
            dependencies.append(neighbor) # Adding the neighbor to the list of dependencies

def get_indirect_dependencies(graph):
    indirect_dependencies = [] # List to store indirect dependencies
    for key in graph.keys(): # Looping through each node in the graph
        dependencies = [] # List to store dependencies for each node
        for neighbor in graph[key]: # Looping through each neighbor of the node
            if neighbor in graph: # Checking if the neighbor is a node in the graph
                collect_dependencies(graph, neighbor, dependencies) # Collecting indirect dependencies for the neighbor
        if not dependencies: # Checking if there are any dependencies
            continue # If there are no dependencies, skip to the next node
        indirect_dependencies.append({key: dependencies}) # Adding the node and its dependencies to the list of indirect dependencies
    return indirect_dependencies

graph = {
    "a": ["b", "c", "d"],
    "b": ["e", "z", "g"],
    "g": ["c", "f", "z"],
    "z": ["w", "y", "x"],

indirect_dependencies = get_indirect_dependencies(graph)

for dependency in indirect_dependencies:
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