
问题描述 投票:2回答:4

我想找到与给定目标相加的最小子阵列。 我的输入是输入数组和目标总和。



例如,给定[1,4,10,20,35]的输入数组和17的目标,我期望[10,4,1,1,1]的输出数组。 因此,允许我的算法在查找输出时复制输入数组中的任何值。


public static ArrayList<Integer> representNumberAsSumOfArrayElements(ArrayList<Integer> inputs, int target)
    ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();

    //First sort the input array in descending order
    Collections.sort(inputs, Collections.reverseOrder());
    int i = 0;

    //Iterate through the input array and break down the target into a sum of the input array
    while (i < inputs.size() && target > 0) {
        if(target >= inputs.get(i) ) {
            target = target - inputs.get(i);
        } else {
    return result;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<Integer> inputs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84));
    int n = 100;
    ArrayList<Integer> sumArray = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        sumArray = representNumberAsSumOfArrayElements(inputs, i); // O(n)
        System.out.println(i + " written as a sum of array elements " + sumArray);

我已经实现了一个适用于大多数值的O(n)算法,但在某些情况下,我得到了错误的结果。 例如,当我使用[1,4,10,20,35,56,84]的输入和69的目标和运行我的代码时,正确的输出将是[35,20,10,4]但我的算法输出[56,10,1,1,1]。 我理解为什么我的算法错了,但我不知道如何解决它。

java arrays algorithm

首先创建一个前缀和数组,使prefSum [i]给出从索引0到i(包括两者)的给定数组的所有元素的总和。如果你的数组包含所有正整数,则prefSum数组被排序,你可以进行二进制搜索。因此,将prefSum数组从0扫描到长度并在0到(i-1)之间进行二进制搜索,如果当前索引是i并尝试找到最大j,其中j在0到i-1之间,这样prefSum [i] -prefSum [j] =给定目标。总体复杂性将是nlogn。



您可以使用表格方法解决当前使用动态编程的问题(而您的代码利用贪婪方法 - 在一般情况下不适用)。要获得最小的子集,您只需选择具有较短值列表的子问题解决方案。


def best(lst, summ):
    lst = sorted(lst, reverse = True)
    a = [[] for _ in range(summ + 1)]  # list of lists
    a[0].append(-1)             # fake value to provide  valid zero entry
    for l in lst:
        for i in range(summ + 1 - l):
            t = len(a[i])
            if t:
                if (len(a[i + l]) == 0) or (t < len(a[i + l])):
                    a[i + l] = a[i] +[l]   # concatenate lists
    return a[summ][1:]   #remove fake -1

 for s in range(55, 71):
     print(s, best([1,4,10,20,35,56,84], s))

55 [35, 20]
56 [56]
57 [56, 1]
58 [56, 1, 1]
59 [35, 20, 4]
60 [56, 4]
61 [56, 4, 1]
62 [56, 4, 1, 1]
63 [35, 20, 4, 4]
64 [56, 4, 4]
65 [35, 20, 10]
66 [56, 10]
67 [56, 10, 1]
68 [56, 10, 1, 1]
69 [35, 20, 10, 4]
70 [35, 35]

请注意,我们不需要自己存储列表 - 我将它们添加到调试和简单中。我们只需要存储给定总和中的最后一个附加值和项目数。 解除清单的解决方案:

def best1(lst, summ):
    a = [(0,0)] * (summ + 1)   # list contains tuples (value, bestcount)
    a[0] = (-1,1)
    for l in lst:
        for i in range(summ + 1 - l):
            t = a[i][1]
            if t:
                if (a[i + l][1] == 0) or (t < a[i + l][1]):
                    a[i + l] = (l, t + 1)
    res = []
    t = summ
    while a[t][1] > 1:
        t = t - a[t][0]

    return res



1. remove duplicates from the input array, A:
   can be done by copying it into a set in O(|A|)
2. build a queue of lists Q;
   store the sum of elements as its 0th element, 
   and add an initially-empty list with a sum of 0
3. while Q is not empty, 
     extract the first list of Q, L
     for each element e in A,
       if L[0] + e == sum, 
           you have found your answer: the elements of L with e
       if L[0] + e < sum, 
           insert a new list (L[0] + e, elements of L, e) at the end of Q
4. if you reach this point, there is no way to add up to the sum with elements of A





sub sum DUP comb.Java:

import java.util.*;

public class SubSumDupComb {
     * Find shortest combination add to given sum.
     * @param arr input array,
     * @param sum target sum,
     * @return
    public static int[] find(int[] arr, int sum) {
        // System.out.printf("input arr: %s, sum: %d\n", Arrays.toString(arr), sum);
        List<Integer> list = find(arr, 0, sum, new ArrayList<>());
        // System.out.printf("result: %s\n", list);

        return listToArray(list);

     * Find shortest combination add to given sum, start from given index.
     * @param arr        input array,
     * @param start      start index, for further search,
     * @param sum        remain sum,
     * @param prefixList prefix list,
     * @return
    private static List<Integer> find(int[] arr, int start, int sum, List<Integer> prefixList) {
        if (sum == 0) return prefixList; // base case,
        if (start >= arr.length || sum < 0) return null; // bad case,

        // exclude current index,
        List<Integer> shortestExcludeList = find(arr, start + 1, sum, prefixList);

        // include current index,
        List<Integer> includePrefixList = new ArrayList<>(prefixList);
        List<Integer> shortestIncludeList = find(arr, start, sum - arr[start], includePrefixList);

        if (shortestIncludeList == null && shortestExcludeList == null) return null; // both null,
        if (shortestIncludeList != null && shortestExcludeList != null) // both non-null,
            return shortestIncludeList.size() < shortestExcludeList.size() ? shortestIncludeList : shortestExcludeList; // prefer to include elements with larger index,
        else return shortestIncludeList == null ? shortestExcludeList : shortestIncludeList; // exactly one null,

     * Find shortest combination add to given sum, with cache.
     * @param arr input array,
     * @param sum target sum,
     * @return
    public static int[] findWithCache(int[] arr, int sum) {
        // System.out.printf("input arr: %s, sum: %d\n", Arrays.toString(arr), sum);
        List<Integer> list = findWithCache(arr, 0, sum, new ArrayList<>(), new HashMap<>());
        // System.out.printf("result: %s\n", list);

        return listToArray(list);

     * Find shortest combination add to given sum, start from given index, with cache.
     * @param arr        input array,
     * @param start      start index, for further search,
     * @param sum        remain sum,
     * @param prefixList prefix list,
     * @return
    private static List<Integer> findWithCache(int[] arr, int start, int sum, List<Integer> prefixList, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> cache) {
        if (sum == 0) return prefixList; // base case,
        if (start >= arr.length || sum < 0) return null; // bad case,

        // check cache,
        Map<Integer, List<Integer>> cacheAtStart;
        if ((cacheAtStart = cache.get(start)) != null && cacheAtStart.containsKey(sum)) { // cache hit, tips: the cashed list could be null, which indicate no result,
            // System.out.printf("hit cache: start = %d, sum = %d, cached list: %s\n", start, sum, cacheAtStart.get(sum));
            return cacheAtStart.get(sum);

        // exclude current index, tips: should call this first,
        List<Integer> shortestExcludeList = findWithCache(arr, start + 1, sum, prefixList, cache);

        // include current index,
        List<Integer> includePrefixList = new ArrayList<>(prefixList);
        List<Integer> shortestIncludeList = findWithCache(arr, start, sum - arr[start], includePrefixList, cache);

        List<Integer> resultList;

        if (shortestIncludeList == null && shortestExcludeList == null) resultList = null; // both null,
        else if (shortestIncludeList != null && shortestExcludeList != null) // both non-null,
            resultList = shortestIncludeList.size() < shortestExcludeList.size() ? shortestIncludeList : shortestExcludeList; // prefer to include elements with larger index,
            resultList = (shortestIncludeList == null ? shortestExcludeList : shortestIncludeList); // exactly one null,

        // add to cache,
        if (cacheAtStart == null) { // init cache at given start,
            cacheAtStart = new HashMap<>();
            cache.put(start, cacheAtStart);
        cacheAtStart.put(sum, resultList == null ? null : resultList); // add this result to cache,
        // System.out.printf("add cache: start = %d, sum = %d, list: %s\n", start, sum, resultList);

        return resultList;

     * List to array.
     * @param list
     * @return
    private static int[] listToArray(List<Integer> list) {
        if (list == null) return null; // no solution,

        // list to array,
        int[] result = new int[list.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            result[i] = list.get(i);

        return result;

SubSumDupCombTest.java: (测试用例,通过TestNG

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class SubSumDupCombTest {
    private int[] arr;
    private int sum;
    private int[] expectedResultArr;

    private int[] arr2;
    private int sum2;
    private int sum2NoSolution;
    private int[] expectedResultArr2;

    public void setUp() {
        // init - arr,
        arr = new int[]{1, 4, 10, 20, 35};
        sum = 17;
        expectedResultArr = new int[]{1, 4, 4, 4, 4};

        // init - arr2,
        arr2 = new int[]{14, 6, 10};
        sum2 = 40;
        sum2NoSolution = 17;
        expectedResultArr2 = new int[]{10, 10, 10, 10};

    public void test_find() {
        // arr
        int[] resultArr = SubSumDupComb.find(arr, sum);
        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(resultArr, expectedResultArr));

        // arr2
        int[] resultArr2 = SubSumDupComb.find(arr2, sum2);
        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(resultArr2, expectedResultArr2));

    public void test_find_noSolution() {
        Assert.assertNull(SubSumDupComb.find(arr2, sum2NoSolution));

    public void test_findWithCache() {
        // arr
        int[] resultArr = SubSumDupComb.findWithCache(arr, sum);
        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(resultArr, expectedResultArr));

        // arr2
        int[] resultArr2 = SubSumDupComb.findWithCache(arr2, sum2);
        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(resultArr2, expectedResultArr2));

    public void test_findWithCache_noSolution() {
        Assert.assertNull(SubSumDupComb.findWithCache(arr2, sum2NoSolution));


  • qazxsw poi 这是纯粹的递归。 复杂: 时间:: qazxsw poi //在最坏的情况下, 空间:find() //由递归方法堆栈使用, 哪里: O(t^n),是元素的平均时间。
  • O(n) 为每对t使用缓存。 Compleixty: 时间:: findWithCache() 空间:(start, sum) //由缓存和递归方法堆栈使用, 哪里: O(n * s),是中间可能的总和。


  • 当存在多个可能的最短结果时,结果优选具有较大指数的数字。
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