如何锁定内容,直到使用 jquery 在 CSS 动画上按下特定按钮?

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所以我正在为一项任务创造一个游戏创意,我想锁定第二个和第三个主菜单按钮,直到它们按顺序完成游戏,只是为了让人们使用动画/游戏的方式有一些额外的结构,我们正在使用 css 动画,所以所有内容都在一页 html 文档和一个 js 文件中。


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                        Fix the circuit!
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                <div class="page-study">
                    <h1>Learning the basics</h1>
                    <div class="p1-button button">
                        Multiple choice!
                    <div class="text-box box1">
                        <h1>Key points</h1>
                            <li>Circuit diagrams are used to show how electrical <span class="important">components</span> are connected in a <span class="important">circuit.</span></li>
                            <li>Individual circuit components are represented using circuit symbols.</li>
                            <li>Ammeters are used to measure the <span class="important">current</span> flowing through components. Voltmeters are used to measure the <span class="important">potential difference</span> across components.</li>
                    <div class="text-box box2">
                        <h2>Circuit symbols</h2>
                        <p>Electrical components, like motors and lamps, can be connected together to form a circuit.</p>
                        <p>A circuit diagram shows how the components are connected.</p>
                        <p>straight lines to show the wires andcircuit symbols to represent each component.</p>
                    <button class="reveal-more">Click me!</button>
                    <div class="text-box box3">
                        <p>Cells provide the energy for many electrical devices to function - like torches, mobile phones and laptops. Cells come in different sizes and shapes.</p>
                        <p>The most common type of cell is the electrochemical cell which uses chemical reactions to transfer energy.</p>
                    <div class="text-box box4">
                        <h2>Potential Difference</h2>
                        <p>Potential difference is the amount of energy transferred by each unit of charge passing between two points of a circuit.</p>
                        <p>The unit of potential difference is the volt. The symbol for volts is V. A potential difference of 1.5 volts can be written as 1.5 V.</p>
                        <p>Potential difference is also commonly called 'voltage'.</p>
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                        <h1 id="heading-quiz">Oh no! it looks like you have been locked out of the computer system. You will have to take this quiz in order to regain access, you must get a score of 60 in order to bypass the security system.</h1>
                        <button id="start-button-quiz">Hack into security</button>
                    <h1>Multiple Choice Quiz</h1>
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                        <div id="question">Sample question here</div>
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                            <div id="answer1" class="answer-box">Answer 1</div>
                            <div id="answer2" class="answer-box">Answer 2</div>
                            <div id="answer3" class="answer-box">Answer 3</div>
                            <div id="feedback" class="hidden">Feedback goes here</div>
                        <div class="score">0</div>
                        <div id="next-btn" class="hidden">next</div>
                        <div id="game-over" class="hidden">Congratulations! Continue to the next page!</div>

                <!-- Circuit Page -->

                <div class="page-circuit">
                    <div id="beginning-screen">
                        <h1 id="heading">Quickly, the reactor has blown a circuit. You are the last chance at saving this power plant, in order to save us all, you have to correctly place all the symbols in the correct slots.</h1>
                        <button id="start-button">Save the Power Plant</button>
                    <h1 id="circuit-text">Fix the circuit</h1>  
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                        <img id="drag1" src="img/voltmeter.svg" alt="Draggable Image 1">
                        <img id="drag2" src="img/fixed-resistor.svg" alt="Draggable Image 2">
                        <div id="drop">Drop Here</div>
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                        <img id="drag3" src="img/bulb.svg" alt="Draggable Image 1">
                        <img id="drag4" src="img/variable-resistor.svg" alt="Draggable Image 2">
                        <div id="drop2">Drop Here</div>
                      <div class="container3">
                        <img id="drag5" src="img/battery.svg" alt="Draggable Image 1">
                        <img id="drag6" src="img/closed-switch.svg" alt="Draggable Image 2">
                        <div id="drop3">Drop Here</div>
                      <div class="incomplete-circuit">
                      <div id="end-screen">
                        <h1 id="heading">Congratulations, you have finished, you have saved the power plant from exploding! You are a Hero!</h1>
                        <button id="back-to-start-button">Back to Start</button>

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<div class="menu2-button button">Multiple choice!</div>
<div class="page-study">
<div class="p1-button button">Multiple choice!</div>
。 然后我也想和
<div class="menu3-button button">Fix the circuit!</div>
<div class="page-multiple-choice">
<div class="p2-button button">Fix the circuit</div>


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我尝试向 .disabled 的按钮添加一个类,它应用了 onclick=false,然后是一个 .enable 类,在按钮上有 onclick=true,但它最终阻止了我按下任何按钮在屏幕上。

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