在 Haskell 中实现教会数字乘法不起作用

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我目前正在学习 Church 编码,并且正在尝试实现

(乘法)功能。 这是正确的实现
mul cn cm = \f x -> cn (cm f) x


mul cn cm = cn (add cm) zero



mul cn cm = cn (add cm) zero

ghci> unchurch (mul (church 3) (church 4))

<interactive>:2:16: error:
    * Couldn't match type `t2' with `(t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2'
      Expected: (((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                      -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> (t2 -> t2)
                  -> t3
                  -> t2)
                 -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                 -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                 -> (t2 -> t2)
                 -> t3
                 -> t2)
                -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                        -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> (t2 -> t2)
                    -> t3
                    -> t2)
                -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> (t2 -> t2)
                -> t3
                -> t2
        Actual: (((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                      -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                  -> (t2 -> t2)
                  -> t3
                  -> t2)
                 -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                 -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                     -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                 -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                 -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                 -> (t2 -> t2)
                 -> t3
                 -> t2)
                -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                        -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> (t2 -> t2)
                    -> t3
                    -> t2)
                -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> ((((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                    -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> (t2 -> t2)
                -> t3
                -> t2
      `t2' is a rigid type variable bound by
        the inferred type of
          it :: (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
                -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2
        at <interactive>:2:1-36
    * In the first argument of `mul', namely `(church 3)'
      In the first argument of `unchurch', namely
        `(mul (church 3) (church 4))'
      In the expression: unchurch (mul (church 3) (church 4))
    * Relevant bindings include
        it :: (((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2)
              -> ((t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2) -> (t2 -> t2) -> t3 -> t2
          (bound at <interactive>:2:1)


module Church where

import Prelude hiding (not, and, or, fst, snd, add, iszero, zero, one, two, three, mul, exp)

-- | Church Booleans
-- You will see that the above macros for true, false and iff are behaving as expected. 
-- For example, one may verify that iff true M N is equivalent to M, and iff false M N is equivalent to N.
-- >>> iff true "M" "N"
-- "M"
-- >>> iff false "M" "N"
-- "N"
-- Boolean arithmetic is also encodable in this way. For example, 
-- Boolean negation is essentially flipping the two “branches’ ’:
-- >>> iff (not true) "M" "N"
-- "N"

true t f = t
false =  \t f -> f
iff   =  \b t f -> b t f

not b =  \t f -> b f t

-- | Church Booleans - Test
-- >>> iff (and true false) "get true" "get false"
-- "get false"
-- >>> iff (and true true) "get true" "get false"
-- "get true"
-- >>> iff (and false true) "get true" "get false"
-- "get false"
-- >>> iff (and false false) "get true" "get false"
-- "get false"
-- >>> iff (or true false) "get true" "get false"
-- "get true"
-- >>> iff (or true true) "get true" "get false"
-- "get true"
-- >>> iff (or false true) "get true" "get false"
-- "get true"
-- >>> iff (or false false) "get true" "get false"
-- "get false"
-- >>> iff (not (or true false)) "get true" "get false"
-- "get false"

and b1 b2 = \t f -> if (b1 t f, b2 t f) == (t, t) then t else f
or  b1 b2 = \t f -> if (b1 t f, b2 t f) == (f, f) then f else t

-- |- Church Pairs
-- For pairs, we need three operations mkpair, fst, and snd that obey the following behavior:
-- >>> fst (mkpair "M" "N")
-- "M"
-- >>> snd (mkpair "M" "N")
-- "N"

mkpair x y   = \s -> iff s x y
fst p        = p true
snd p        = p false

-- |- Church Triples
-- >>> fst3 (mktriple "M" "N" "P")
-- "M"
-- >>> snd3 (mktriple "M" "N" "P")
-- "N"
-- >>> thd3 (mktriple "M" "N" "P")
-- "P"

mktriple x y z = \ b1 b2 -> iff b1 (b2 y z) x
fst3 p         = p false true
snd3 p         = p true true
thd3 p         = p true false

-- | Church Numbers
-- >>> unchurch (add1 zero)
-- 1
-- >>> unchurch (add (church 23) (church 17))
-- 40
-- >>> iff (iszero (church 0)) "zero is zero" "zero is not zero"
-- "zero is zero"

church 0 = \f x -> x
church n = \f x -> f (church (n-1) f x)

unchurch cn = cn (+ 1) 0

zero   = \f x -> x
one    = \f x -> f x
two    = \f x -> f (f x)
three  = \f x -> f (f (f x))

add1 cn    = \f x -> f (cn f x)

add cn cm  = cm add1 cn

iszero cn  = cn (\x -> false) true

-- | Church Numbers - Multiplications and Exponentiations
-- >>> unchurch (mul (church 3) (church 4))
-- 12
-- >>> unchurch (exp (church 2) (church 3))
-- 8

-- Dk why this doesn't work!!!!!!!!
--mul cn cm = cn (add cm) zero

mul cn cm = \f x -> cn (cm f) x
exp cn cm = cm (mul cn) one


test cn = cn (add1) zero


test2 cn = cn (add one) zero

这违背了我对柯里化在 Haskell 中如何工作的理解。 ‘add1’和‘add one’不应该是一样的吗?

function haskell functional-programming lambda-calculus church-encoding

您使用的类型对于 Haskell 来说太复杂,无法推断,并且还需要 GHC 9.2 或更高版本以及 GHC 扩展。假设您使用的是足够新的 GHC 版本,则要使


  1. {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
  2. type ChurchNum = forall a. (a -> a) -> a -> a
  3. add
    ChurchNum -> ChurchNum -> ChurchNum


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