如何在 GitHub 风格的 Markdown 中创建编号清单(又名任务列表)?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试在我创建的这个 github 问题中创建一个编号清单。 我发现这篇博客文章解释了如何创建无序清单,但是有没有办法创建有序清单?


1. - [ ] If `TestRestTemplate` can be used with spring-data-rest, please provide examples of using it with response bodies more complex than `String` or `Map<?, ?>`. e.g., a `Person` class.
2. - [ ] Please also include a `postForEntity` <s>and/or `putForEntity`</s>(`putForEntity` doesn't exist) example, because I see a lot of people struggling to make requests that send a complex class, e.g., `Person`, in the request body.
3. - [ ] If `TestRestTemplate` is the *wrong* tool for the job, please recommend the right tool or a better tool. This might already be documented, but I've been unable to find it.


有没有更好的方法在 github 风格的 markdown 中创建编号清单?

github markdown github-flavored-markdown
1. [ ] If `TestRestTemplate` can be used with spring-data-rest, please provide examples of using it with response bodies more complex than `String` or `Map<?, ?>`. e.g., a `Person` class.
2. [ ] Please also include a `postForEntity` <s>and/or `putForEntity`</s>(`putForEntity` doesn't exist) example, because I see a lot of people struggling to make requests that send a complex class, e.g., `Person`, in the request body.
3. [ ] If `TestRestTemplate` is the *wrong* tool for the job, please recommend the right tool or a better tool. This might already be documented, but I've been unable to find it.

只需将项目符号列表标记 (

) 替换为有序列表标记 (
)。请注意,spec 特别指出:




因此,如果将这两者放在一起,那么您将采用适当的列表标记,并在其后面跟随任务列表项标记。我意识到该规范没有显示任何有序任务列表的示例,但 GitHub 评论中的快速测试表明它有效。


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