
问题描述 投票:-1回答:1

假设我有一组数据(x=times,y=observation),这些数据在时间上有多个间隔。无论数据趋势如何,在此讨论中我们都将其假定为线性。在时间间隔内,会出现衰减,使数据偏离纯粹的线性趋势,直到再次开始观察并恢复线性趋势为止。 时间上有多个间隔,但是在此示例中,我仅报告了最短的快照来说明问题。时间间隔是没有可用观测值的(正)线性趋势之间的时间,因此连续x=times之间的差(例如)比平均值大很多。我想将衰减建模为函数(y_decay = C -D*x

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(x, A, B, C, D):
    line = A*x + B if ((x>=1) & (x<=3) | (x>=5) & (x<=9) | (x>=23) & (x<=25)) else C-D*x
    return line

x=[1,2,3, 12,13,14, 23,24,25]
y=[2,4,6, 5, 7, 9, 8, 10,12]
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, x, y) 

figure = plt.figure(figsize=(5.15, 5.15))
plot = plt.subplot(111)
ax1 = plt.gca()


enter image description here


python function scipy data-fitting


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

def generic_data( m, D, n ):
    alpha0 = 0
    timel = [ 0 ] ### to avoid errer, remove at the end
    dl = list()
    for gaps in range( n + 1 ): 
        for pnts in range( 3 + np.random.randint( 2 ) ): 
            timel.append ( timel[-1] +  0.5 + np.random.rand() )
            dl.append( m * timel[ -1 ] + alpha0 )
        ###now the gap
        dt =  2. + 2 * np.random.rand()
        timel.append ( timel[-1] + dt )
        dl.append( dl[-1] - D * dt )
        alpha0 = dl[-1] - m * timel[-1]
    del timel[0]
    ### remove jump of last gap
    del timel[-1]
    del dl[-1]
    dl = np.fromiter( ( y + np.random.normal( scale=0.1 ) for y in dl ), np.float )
    return np.array( timel ), dl

def split_into_blocks( tl, dl ):
    mask = np.where(dl[1::] - dl[:-1:] < 0, 1, 0 )
    where = np.argwhere( mask )
    where = where.reshape( 1, len( where ) )[0]
    where = np.append( where, len( dl ) - 1 )
    where = np.insert( where, 0, -1 )
    tll = list()
    dll = list()
    for s, e in zip( where[ :-1:], where[ 1:: ] ):
        dll.append( dl[ s + 1 : e + 1 ] )
        tll.append( tl[ s + 1 : e + 1 ] )
    return np.array( tll ), np.array( dll )

def residuals( params, tblocks, dblocks ):
    nob = len( tblocks )
    m = params[0]
    D = params[1]
    alphal = params[2:2+nob]
    betal = params[-nob+1::]
    out = list()
    for i, (tl, dl) in enumerate( zip(tblocks, dblocks ) ):
        diff = [ d - ( m * t + alphal[i] ) for t, d in zip( tl, dl ) ]
        out= out + diff
    for j in range( nob -1 ):
        # ~print j
        out.append( dblocks[ j][-1] - ( betal[j] + D * tblocks[j][-1] ) ) ###left point gap
        out.append( dblocks[ j+1][0] - ( betal[j] + D * tblocks[j+1][0] ) ) ###right point gap
    # ~print out
    return out

tl, dl =  generic_data( 1.3, .3, 3 )
tll, dll = split_into_blocks( tl, dl )

nob = len(dll)
m0 = +1.0
D0 = -0.1
guess = [m0, D0 ]+ nob * [-3] + ( nob - 1 ) * [ +4 ]
sol, err = leastsq( residuals, x0=guess, args=( tll, dll ) )

mf = sol[0]
Df = sol[1]

print mf, Df
alphal = sol[2:2+nob]
betal = sol[-nob+1::]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )

###original data
ax.plot( tl, dl, ls='', marker='o')
###identify blocks
for a,b in zip( tll, dll ):
    ax.plot( a, b, ls='', marker='x')
###fit results
for j in range(nob):
    tloc = np.linspace( tll[j][0] - 0.3, tll[j][-1] + 0.3 , 3 )
    ax.plot( tloc, [ mf * t + alphal[j] for t in tloc ] )
for j in range(nob - 1):
    tloc = np.linspace( tll[j][-1] - 0.3, tll[j+1][0] + 0.3 , 3 )
    ax.plot( tloc, [ Df * t +betal[j] for t in tloc ] )


>> 1.2864142170851447 -0.2818180721270913

some fitted test data


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