
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


chef.l:21:坏字符:/ cook.l:21:坏字符:* Chef.l:21:启动条件INW声明了两次Chef.l:21:坏字符::


/* chef.x - convert English on stdin to Mock Swedish on stdout
 * The WC definition matches any word character, and the NW definition matches
 * any non-word character.  Two start conditions are maintained: INW (in word)
 * and NIW (not in word).  The first rule passes TeX commands without change.
 * Apr 26, 1993; John Hagerman: Added ! and ? to the Bork Bork Bork rule.
 * Apr 15, 1992; John Hagerman: Created.

static int i_seen = 0;                                                          /* There is a variable called i_seen and assign value to 0 */

WC              [A-Za-z']                                                       /* WC is assigned to any words that are characters */
NW              [^A-Za-z']                                                      /* NW is assigned to any words that are non-characters */

%start          INW NIW                                                         /* INW: inclusive NIW: exclusive */


\\[^ \n]+       ECHO;                                                           /* If find one more character that is not a new line character, copy yytext to scanner output */

{NW}            { BEGIN NIW; i_seen = 0; ECHO; }                                /* If find a character, i_seen = 0, copy yytext to scanner output */
[.!?]$          { BEGIN NIW; i_seen = 0;
                  printf("%c\nBork Bork Bork!",yytext[0]); }                    /* If find any .!? at the end of the line, i_seen = 0, print the first character in yytext, in next line, print Bork Bork.. */

<NIW>"bork"/{NW} ECHO;                                                          /* If bork followed by a non-character, copy to output */
<NIW>"Bork"/{NW} ECHO;                                                          /* If Bork followed by a non-character, copy to output */

"an"            { BEGIN INW; printf("un"); }                                    /* Encounter an, active INW, print un */
"An"            { BEGIN INW; printf("Un"); }                                    /* Encounter An, ..., print Un */
"au"            { BEGIN INW; printf("oo"); }                                    /* Encounter au, ..., print oo */
"Au"            { BEGIN INW; printf("Oo"); }                                    /* Encounter Au, ..., print Oo */
"a"/{WC}        { BEGIN INW; printf("e"); }                                     /* Encoutner a followed by a character, ..., print e */
"A"/{WC}        { BEGIN INW; printf("E"); }                                     /* Encounter A followed by a character, ..., print E */
"en"/{NW}       { BEGIN INW; printf("ee"); }                                    /* Encounter en followed by a non-character, ...,  print ee */
<INW>"ew"       { BEGIN INW; printf("oo"); }                                    /* If bork followed by a non-character and encounter ew , ..., print oo */
<INW>"e"/{NW}   { BEGIN INW; printf("e-a"); }                                   /* If INW and e followed by NW, ..., print e-a */
<NIW>"e"        { BEGIN INW; printf("i"); }                                     /* If NIW and encounter e, ..., print i */
<NIW>"E"        { BEGIN INW; printf("I"); }                                     /* If NIW and encounter E, ..., print I */
<INW>"f"        { BEGIN INW; printf("ff"); }                                    /* If INW and encounter f, ..., print ff */
<INW>"ir"       { BEGIN INW; printf("ur"); }                                    /* If INW and encounter ir, ..., print ur */
<INW>"i"        { BEGIN INW; printf(i_seen++ ? "i" : "ee"); }                   /* If INW and encounter i, ..., print i_seen++ ? "i" : "ee" */
<INW>"ow"       { BEGIN INW; printf("oo"); }                                    /* If INW and encounter ow, ..., print oo */
<NIW>"o"        { BEGIN INW; printf("oo"); }                                    /* If NIW and encounter o, ..., print oo */
<NIW>"O"        { BEGIN INW; printf("Oo"); }                                    /* If NIW and encounter O, ..., print Oo */
<INW>"o"        { BEGIN INW; printf("u"); }                                     /* If INW and encounter o, ..., print u */
"the"           { BEGIN INW; printf("zee"); }                                   /* If encounter the, ..., print zee */
"The"           { BEGIN INW; printf("Zee"); }                                   /* If encounter The, ..., print Zee */
"th"/{NW}       { BEGIN INW; printf("t"); }                                     /* If ecounter th followed by NW, print t */
<INW>"tion"     { BEGIN INW; printf("shun"); }                                  /* If INW and encounter tion, ..., print shun */
<INW>"u"        { BEGIN INW; printf("oo"); }                                    /* If INW and encounter u, ..., print oo */
<INW>"U"        { BEGIN INW; printf("Oo"); }                                    /* If INW and encounter U, ..., print Oo */
"v"             { BEGIN INW; printf("f"); }                                     /* If encounter v, ..., print f */
"V"             { BEGIN INW; printf("F"); }                                     /* If encounter V, ..., print F */
"w"             { BEGIN INW; printf("v"); }                                     /* If encounter w, ..., print v */
"W"             { BEGIN INW; printf("V"); }                                     /* If encounter W, ..., print V */
.               { BEGIN INW; ECHO; }                                            /* If encounter any other words, ..., copy yytext to scanner output */

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