wpf 应用程序如何根据在 PC 中运行的不同 exe 将日志写入不同的文件

问题描述 投票:0回答:0


 if (!this.mConfigured)
                // Create the appender
                IAppender appender = this.CreateRollingFileAppender(pNewTraceConfiguration);

                // Add the appender to the root logger
                Logger rootLogger = this.mRepository.Root;
                if (rootLogger != null)
            this.mRepository.Configured = true;
            this.mRepository.RaiseConfigurationChanged(new EventArgs());

 private IAppender CreateRollingFileAppender(TraceConfigurationClass pTraceConfiguration)
            // Location of the trace file
            string traceFileDir = pTraceConfiguration.OutputDirectory;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(traceFileDir))
                // if the location is not suppliied, take the application directory
                traceFileDir = this.DefaultTraceDirecotry;
            // Prefix of the trace filename
            string traceFilePrefix = pTraceConfiguration.FilenamePrefix;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(traceFilePrefix))
                // if the prefix is not suppliied, take the default one
                traceFilePrefix = DEFAULT_TRACE_FILENAME_PREFIX;

            traceFilePrefix += "_" + logPrefix;

            // Size of the trace file
            int traceFileSize = pTraceConfiguration.MaxFileSizeKB;
            if (traceFileSize <= 0)
                traceFileSize = DEFAULT_TRACE_FILESIZE_KB;

            // Creation of the appender           
            string filename = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}\\{1}-[{2,5}]_{3}.log",
                                        DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            Debug.WriteLine("AlsF_Log4netLogger: creating log file [" + filename + "] with file size [" + traceFileSize.ToString() + "]KB");

            RollingFileAppender appender = new RollingFileAppender()
                Name = "RollingFile",
                // example fo filename : <dir>\NewIHM-[  PID]_yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss.log
                File = filename,
                AppendToFile = false,
                RollingStyle = RollingFileAppender.RollingMode.Size,
                MaximumFileSize = traceFileSize.ToString() + "KB",
                CountDirection = 1,
                MaxSizeRollBackups = -1

            // Layout for the appender : message, header and footer
            PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout()
                ConversionPattern = MESSAGE_PATTERN,
                Header = HEADER_PATTERN,
                Footer = FOOTER_PATTERN


            appender.Layout = layout;

            return appender;

现在基于 Exe 不同的配置文件路径被用于创建日志文件,但问题是因为正在生成 3 个运行 3 个文件的 exe,并且 exe1 数据被记录在所有 3 个文件中,这不是预期的。

根据 exe 特定的 exe 数据应该只转到特定的日志文件。请帮帮我。在此先感谢您的帮助。

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