
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试创建一个允许我输入位置编号的函数,结果将为我提供一个唯一的位置代码。问题是我希望所有引用都在宏代码内部完成,而不是从电子表格中的某处获取信息。 (此代码将插入到外接程序中,因此没有要引用的工作表)。我基本上想在代码中而不是在工作表中执行vlookup。



  Function GetCode(LocationNum As String) As String
  Dim Result As String

  'Built in reference table
  '{   "415" : "001"
  '    "500" : "002"
  '    "605" : "003"
  '                   }

  Dim varData(2) As Variant
  varData("415") = "001"
  varData("500") = "002"
  varData("605") = "003"

  LocationNum = varData("415")

  Result = LocationNum
  GetCode = Result

  End Function
arrays excel vba reference

正如Nathan_Sav已经提到的,您可以改用集合或字典,这样会更加高效。这是使用字典对象的示例。请注意,它使用早期绑定,因此您需要设置对Microsoft脚本运行时库(Visual Basic Editor >> Tools >> Reference)的引用。

Option Explicit

Sub test()

    'set a reference (VBE >> Tools >> Reference) to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library

    'declare and create an instance of the dictionary object
    Dim dic As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set dic = New Scripting.Dictionary

    'set the comparison mode for the dictionary to a case-insensitive match
    dic.CompareMode = TextCompare

    'add keys and associated items to the dictionary
    dic.Add Key:="415", Item:="001"
    dic.Add Key:="500", Item:="002"
    dic.Add Key:="605", Item:="003"

    'print to the immediate window the item associated with the specified key
    Debug.Print dic("415")

    'clear from memory
    Set dic = Nothing

End Sub
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