JavaScript 中重写构造函数的签名不匹配警告

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我正在尝试重写父类的构造函数。 然而 PHPstorm 给了我一个警告,因为构造函数重写不兼容,因为签名不匹配。 为什么它首先给我一个警告? JavaScript 是否不允许重写具有不同签名的构造函数?


class DDDSelector {
     * @typedef {NodeList} DDDSelector_elements - array of elements this selector is selecting

     * @param {string|null} [tag] - html element tag name
     * @constructor
    constructor(tag = null) {
        if (tag) {
            this.DDDSelector_elements = [document.createElement(tag)];

class PageDots extends DDDSelector {
     * @typedef {DDDSelector} holder - the wrapper element for the dots.
     * @typedef {Array.<DDDSelector>} dots - an array of dots
     * @typedef {DDDSelector} selectedDot

     * Creates all dots for one slideshow.
     * @param {number} count - the number of dots to create
     * @param {Flickity} slideshow - the slideshow
     * @constructor
    constructor(count, slideshow) {


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