“当前”Delphi Web 应用程序框架是什么?

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我正在查看 Delphi Web 服务器应用程序,当我进入“新建项目”对话框时,我注意到的第一件事是有几个不同的框架。

WebBroker 从概念的角度来看是最好的,但在文档中,它的数据库和会话管理代码似乎与 BDE 绑定在一起,这使得它在今天有点不太有用。

WebSnap 看起来非常相似,但文档说它已被弃用,应该使用 IW(“VCL for the Web”)。

所以我看着 IW,但我不知道它应该如何工作。示例代码充满了看起来像是属于桌面应用程序的内容,例如单击按钮来触发事件处理程序以更改表单元素的标题。 (如果我们要创建网页,那不是必须在客户端用 JavaScript 完成吗?)

那么目前在 Delphi 中构建 Web 服务器的标准框架是什么?

delphi intraweb tms-web-core webbroker







uniGUI Web Application Framework extends Web application development experience to a new dimension. uniGUI enables Delphi developers to create, design and debug web applications in IDE using a unique set of visual components. Each component is designed to provide same functionality of its counterpart visual component in Delphi VCL. This provides a very comfortable development environment very close to native VCL application development with an easy learning curve.  uniGUI Web applications can be deployed to a server using one of the available deployment options such as Windows Service, Standalone Server or ISAPI Module.

Product Highlights:

Based on industry's most advanced JavaScript library Sencha Ext JS.
Includes OEM license for Sencha Ext JS. (Please see licensing for details).
A unique platform to create stateful web applications.
Complete IDE support for creating projects, designing forms, frames and handling data modules.
Advanced support for scripting client side JavaScript events.
Library core is fully optimized to achieve highest level of scalability.
Including advanced Stress Test Tool utility.
Comes with various deployment options: ISAPI Module, Standalone Server and Windows Service.
Supported Delphi versions: Turbo Delphi Pro, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2010, Delphi XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, X5, XE6, XE7, XE8, Delphi 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2.3 Tokyo and 10.3.3 Rio (Win32 & Win64 platforms). (Linux support is in the roadmap)
C++ Builder supported.
Supported Browsers: IE 9+, Microsoft Edge, FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera
New state-of-the-art uniGUI HyperServer technology.

TMS 网络核心:


RADical Web
Modern SPA web application model
Pure HTML5/CSS3/Javascript based applications
Standard component framework for common UI controls and access to browser features
Debugging in Pascal code via the browser
Backed by a solid & proven Delphi Pascal to Javascript compiler that was years in development

Reuse skills and components Component based RAD development integrated
in the Delphi IDE A truly revolutionary & innovative TMS FNC component
framework that is now also web enabled, allowing to create UI controls
that can be used on VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB! Open to consume other
existing Javascript frameworks & libraries Open to use HTML/CSS for
design Open to use other jQuery controls or even other Javascript
frameworks Offers Pascal class wrappers for jQuery controls from the
jQWidgets library Easy interfacing to REST cloud services including to
TMS XData for database

Easy Deployment Application consists of HTML & Javascript files only
that can be easily deployed on any light or heavyweight webservers Use
any existing load-balancing software and/or techniques for highest
performance Small and convenient debug webserver is included for fast
RAD development


虽然有多种商业选项可用于使用 Delphi 编写 Web 应用程序,但在我看来,Delphi 不再附带作为包的一部分包含的现代 Web 开发解决方案。

如果我必须回答你的问题,我会说当前的开箱即用Delphi Web 框架是 WebBroker。 WebBroker 是 Delphi 中包含的唯一一个未弃用或功能受到限制的 Web 框架。

WebBroker 可能早在 Delphi 4 就被引入了。它是一个很好的诚实工作马,但自首次引入以来它并没有真正得到太大的改进。它让您完成大部分繁重的工作,但也不会妨碍您。 WebSnap 和 IntraWeb 是使用 WebBroker 作为基础构建的,这让您了解它提供的服务水平。

IntraWeb 的完整版本已与 Delphi Enterprise 捆绑多年,但从 Delphi XE 开始,它现在有一些限制(无 SSL、无 ISAPI 部署、20 分钟空闲超时),这很可能意味着您需要 购买AtoZed 的许可才能认真使用它。

与 Delphi Pro 捆绑在一起的 IntraWeb 版本始终过于有限,只能被视为评估版本。



DataSnap 已经存在很长时间了,最新版本是无 DCOM 的。您可以利用它来构建服务器端部分(C/S 和 B/S 中的 S)。它目前的作用几乎就像.NET 世界中的 WCF。

那么如果你正在构建一个网站前端,你可以使用IW。但 DataSnap 甚至可以使用 PHP 或其他 Web 技术构建前端。



PascalWeb 使用 pascalscript 编译器,您可以创建 Web 应用程序,例如 php 或 python

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