
问题描述 投票:0回答:2


 id  word      lemma     pos              textid  country_genre     
 1  Stuffing   stuff      vvg             190568  AN         
 2  her        her        appge           190568  AN         
 3  key        key        nn1             190568  AN         
 4  into       into       ii              190568  AN         
 5  the        the        at              190568  AN         
 6  lock       lock       nn1             190568  AN         
 7  she        she        appge           190568  AN         
 8  pushed     push       vvd             190568  AN         
 9  her        her        appge           190568  AN         
10  way        way        nn1             190568  AN         
11  into       into       ii              190568  AN         
12  the        the        appge           190568  AN         
13  house      house      nn1             190568  AN         
14  .                     .               190568  AN         
15  She        she        appge           190568  AN         
16  had        have       vhd             190568  AN         
17  also       also       rr              190568  AN         
18  cajoled    cajole     vvd             190568  AN         
19  her        her        appge           190568  AN         
20  way        way        nn1             190568  AN         
21  into       into       ii              190568  AN         
22  the        the        at              190568  AN         
23  home       home       nn1             190568  AN         
24  .                     .               190568  AN         
..  ...        ...        ..              ...     ..

我想创建下表,其中显示所有“方式” - 并排的单词和“country_genre”,“lemma”和“pos”列中的一些数据。

country_genre word   word       word       lemma      pos        word       word     word       word       word       lemma      pos        word       word       
AN         lock   she        pushed     push       vvd        her        way      into       the        house      house      nn1        .          she
AN         had    also       cajoled    cajole     vvd        her        way      into       the        home       home       nn1        .          A          
AN         tried  to         force      force      vvi        her        way      into       the        palace     palace     nn1        ,          officials  



   c1.id, c1.country_genre, c1.textid, c1.wordid, c1.word,  c2.word, c3.word,  c4.word, c4.lemma, c4.pos, c5.word, c6.word, c7.word, c8.word, c9.word, c9.lemma, c9.pos, c10.word, c11.word


 orderedflatcorpus AS c1
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c2 ON c1.id + 1 = c2.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c3 ON c1.id + 2 = c3.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c4 ON c1.id + 3 = c4.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c5 ON c1.id + 4 = c5.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c6 ON c1.id + 5 = c6.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c7 ON c1.id + 6 = c7.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c8 ON c1.id + 7 = c8.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c9 ON c1.id + 8 = c9.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c10 ON c1.id + 9 = c10.id
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c11 ON c1.id + 10 = c11.id


 c4.pos LIKE 'vv%'
 AND c5.pos = 'appge'
 AND c6.word = 'way'
 AND c7.pos LIKE 'i%'
 AND c8.word = 'the'
 AND c9.pos LIKE 'n%'


 csv header;



 SELECT c1.id, c1.country_genre, c1.textid, c1.wordid, c1.word, c1.pos, c2.word, c2.pos, c3.word, c3.pos, c4.word, c4.pos, c5.word, c5.pos, c6.word, c6.pos, 
 c7.word, c7.pos, c8.word, c8.pos, c8.lemma, c9.word, c9.pos, c10.word, c10.pos, c11.word, c11.pos, c12.word, c12.pos, c13.word, c13.pos, c13.lemma, c14.word, 
 c14.pos, c15.word, c15.pos, c16.word, c16.pos, c17.word, c17.pos, c18.word, c18.pos, c19.word, c19.pos, c20.word, c20.pos, c21.word, c21.pos 


 orderedflatcorpus AS c1 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c2 ON c1.id + 1 = c2.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c3 ON c1.id + 2 = c3.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c4 ON c1.id + 3 = c4.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c5 ON c1.id + 4 = c5.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c6 ON c1.id + 5 = c6.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c7 ON c1.id + 6 = c7.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c8 ON c1.id + 7 = c8.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c9 ON c1.id + 8 = c9.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c10 ON c1.id + 9 = c10.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c11 ON c1.id + 10 = c11.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c12 ON c1.id + 11 = c12.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c13 ON c1.id + 12 = c13.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c14 ON c1.id + 13 = c14.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c15 ON c1.id + 14 = c15.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c16 ON c1.id + 15 = c16.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c17 ON c1.id + 16 = c17.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c18 ON c1.id + 17 = c18.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c19 ON c1.id + 18 = c19.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c20 ON c1.id + 19 = c20.id 
 JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c21 ON c1.id + 20 = c21.id 


 c8.pos LIKE 'vv%' 
 AND c9.pos = 'appge' 
 AND c10.word = 'way' 
 AND c11.pos LIKE 'i%' 
 AND c12.word = 'the' 
 AND c13.pos LIKE 'n%' 
 TO '/home/postgres/Results/OUTPUT.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;



sql postgresql join data-loss

Postgres JOIN相当于INNER JOIN。例如,请参阅this


尝试将JOIN更改为LEFT JOIN(又名LEFT OUTER JOIN)以查看是否可以获得更多结果。



Pirho的答案是正确的 - 就目前而言。但是,仅将连接更改为外连接可能无法解决您的问题。


第二个查询是连续查找21个单词 - 不是19个单词,而不是13个单词。因此,如果模式位于文档的末尾,则无法找到它。


FROM orderedflatcorpus c1 JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c2
     ON c1.id + 1 = c2.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c3
     ON c1.id + 2 = c3.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c4
     ON c1.id + 3 = c4.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c5
     ON c1.id + 4 = c5.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c6
     ON c1.id + 5 = c6.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c7
     ON c1.id + 6 = c7.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c8
     ON c1.id + 7 = c8.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c9
     ON c1.id + 8 = c9.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c10
     ON c1.id + 9 = c10.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c11
     ON c1.id + 10 = c11.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c12
     ON c1.id + 11 = c12.id JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c13
     ON c1.id + 12 = c13.id 
     orderedflatcorpus c14
     ON c1.id + 13 = c14.id LEFT JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c15
     ON c1.id + 14 = c15.id LEFT JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c16
     ON c1.id + 15 = c16.id LEFT JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c17
     ON c1.id + 16 = c17.id LEFT JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c18
     ON c1.id + 17 = c18.id LEFT JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c19
     ON c1.id + 18 = c19.id LEFT JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c20
     ON c1.id + 19 = c20.id LEFT JOIN
     orderedflatcorpus c21
     ON c1.id + 20 = c21.id 
WHERE c8.pos LIKE 'vv%' AND
      c9.pos = 'appge' AND
      c10.word = 'way' AND
      c11.pos LIKE 'i%' AND
      c12.word = 'the' AND
      c13.pos LIKE 'n%' ;


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