将 imagemagick 命令行转换为 php imagick 代码

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我想将此 ImageMagick 命令转换为 PHP 代码:

convert text.jpg  \( +clone -blur 0x3 \) +swap -compose divide -composite -resize 1000% -morphology open diamond:1 -resize 10% x2.png


$input = new Imagick(__DIR__ . self::CACHE_PATH . 'data_' . $filename);
        // Create a clone and apply a blur
        $clone = clone $input;
        $clone->blurImage(0, 3);
        // Combine the original image and the blurred clone using the "divide" compose method
        $input->compositeImage($clone, 65, 0, 0);
        // Resize the image to 1000%
        $input->scaleImage($input->getImageWidth() * 10, $input->getImageHeight() * 10);
        // Create a diamond-shaped kernel of size 1
        $kernel = \ImagickKernel::fromBuiltIn(\Imagick::KERNEL_DIAMOND, '1');
        // Apply an open morphology with the diamond kernel
        $input->morphology(\Imagick::MORPHOLOGY_OPEN, 1, $kernel, \Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
        // Resize the image to 10%
        $input->scaleImage($input->getImageWidth() / 10, $input->getImageHeight() / 10);
        // Write the output image
        $input->writeImage(__DIR__ . self::CACHE_PATH . 'fix_data_' . $filename);


php imagemagick imagick
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