
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有两个带有纬度/经度坐标的示例数据集,称为 data1 和 data2,如下所示:


longitude latitude
 406700.4  7201767
 398192.5  7206899
 402995.9  7223166
 424210.3  7264295
 449045.0  7315044
 476329.8  7304172
 516543.0  7281898
 543151.1  7292038
 553048.0  7299822
 551770.3  7275758
 561142.6  7261667
 560292.0  7251473
 544158.5  7229430
 566519.0  7224846
 578221.2  7242260
 589978.4  7237221
 614511.6  7241832
 629119.1  7229805
 643408.0  7229532
 675159.5  7261319
 679089.6  7273392
 688517.1  7283675
 699653.7  7305478
 703623.1  7319123
 697325.5  7335428
 732159.0  7341021
 722027.8  7336020
 729827.0  7312423
 741539.1  7289712
 742604.1  7284240


 548055.7  7291742
 550953.6  7313012
 553370.8  7302842
 543710.0  7306752
 542931.4  7305144
 544490.5  7308543
 564527.1  7320696
 578368.4  7297569
 594972.5  7299350
 635337.6  7300907
 649867.0  7308755
 642136.1  7323236
 644287.0  7301646
 647413.1  7298133
 660147.9  7294922
 661158.7  7304247
 677788.7  7303612
 688676.9  7303413
 686350.5  7301771
 690122.9  7303681
 683197.7  7308678
 648936.3  7312211
 637416.5  7316094
 631286.5  7335698
 621747.9  7359180
 610528.1  7380706
 601504.8  7402010
 635005.1  7320464
 680882.5  7274095
 677057.4  7259603



#Home range 1
h1 <- Hpi(data1, pilot = "samse", binned = T)
  kernPI1 <- kde(data1, H = h1)
  cont = contourLevels(kernPI1, cont = 95)
  line1 = contourLines(x = kernPI1$eval.points[[1]], y =
                      z = kernPI1$estimate,
                      level = cont)
  polygon1 <- dataline1 %>%
    st_as_sf(coords = c("x1", "y1"), crs = 5321) %>%
    summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%

# home range 2
h2 <- Hpi(data2, pilot = "samse", binned = T)
  kernPI2 <- kde(data2, H = h2)
  cont = contourLevels(kernPI2, cont = 95)
  line2 = contourLines(x = kernPI2$eval.points[[1]], y =
                       z = kernPI2$estimate,
                       level = cont)
  polygon2 <- dataline2 %>%
    st_as_sf(coords = c("x2", "y2"), crs = 5321) %>%
    summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%

我想找到这两个多边形之间的重叠面积,可以是 m2 中的数字,也可以是百分比。我如何在 R 中编写此代码?

r coordinates polygon spatial overlap

让我们使用以下 Python 脚本来查看原始数据,不考虑对其进行任何修正,因为它们具有经度和纬度属性:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the points for data1
data1_points = [
    (406700.4, 7201767), (398192.5, 7206899), (402995.9, 7223166),
    (424210.3, 7264295), (449045.0, 7315044), (476329.8, 7304172),
    (516543.0, 7281898), (543151.1, 7292038), (553048.0, 7299822),
    (551770.3, 7275758), (561142.6, 7261667), (560292.0, 7251473),
    (544158.5, 7229430), (566519.0, 7224846), (578221.2, 7242260),
    (589978.4, 7237221), (614511.6, 7241832), (629119.1, 7229805),
    (643408.0, 7229532), (675159.5, 7261319), (679089.6, 7273392),
    (688517.1, 7283675), (699653.7, 7305478), (703623.1, 7319123),
    (697325.5, 7335428), (732159.0, 7341021), (722027.8, 7336020),
    (729827.0, 7312423), (741539.1, 7289712), (742604.1, 7284240)

# Define the points for data2
data2_points = [
    (548055.7, 7291742), (550953.6, 7313012), (553370.8, 7302842),
    (543710.0, 7306752), (542931.4, 7305144), (544490.5, 7308543),
    (564527.1, 7320696), (578368.4, 7297569), (594972.5, 7299350),
    (635337.6, 7300907), (649867.0, 7308755), (642136.1, 7323236),
    (644287.0, 7301646), (647413.1, 7298133), (660147.9, 7294922),
    (661158.7, 7304247), (677788.7, 7303612), (688676.9, 7303413),
    (686350.5, 7301771), (690122.9, 7303681), (683197.7, 7308678),
    (648936.3, 7312211), (637416.5, 7316094), (631286.5, 7335698),
    (621747.9, 7359180), (610528.1, 7380706), (601504.8, 7402010),
    (635005.1, 7320464), (680882.5, 7274095), (677057.4, 7259603)

# Extract x and y coordinates for each dataset
data1_x = [point[0] for point in data1_points]
data1_y = [point[1] for point in data1_points]

data2_x = [point[0] for point in data2_points]
data2_y = [point[1] for point in data2_points]

# Plot the points
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.scatter(data1_x, data1_y, color='blue', label='Data1')
plt.scatter(data2_x, data2_y, color='green', label='Data2')

# Set labels and legend
plt.title('Scatter Plot of Data Points')

# Show plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import numpy as np

# Define the points for data1
data1_points = np.array([
    (406700.4, 7201767), (398192.5, 7206899), (402995.9, 7223166),
    (424210.3, 7264295), (449045.0, 7315044), (476329.8, 7304172),
    (516543.0, 7281898), (543151.1, 7292038), (553048.0, 7299822),
    (551770.3, 7275758), (561142.6, 7261667), (560292.0, 7251473),
    (544158.5, 7229430), (566519.0, 7224846), (578221.2, 7242260),
    (589978.4, 7237221), (614511.6, 7241832), (629119.1, 7229805),
    (643408.0, 7229532), (675159.5, 7261319), (679089.6, 7273392),
    (688517.1, 7283675), (699653.7, 7305478), (703623.1, 7319123),
    (697325.5, 7335428), (732159.0, 7341021), (722027.8, 7336020),
    (729827.0, 7312423), (741539.1, 7289712), (742604.1, 7284240)

# Define the points for data2
data2_points = np.array([
    (548055.7, 7291742), (550953.6, 7313012), (553370.8, 7302842),
    (543710.0, 7306752), (542931.4, 7305144), (544490.5, 7308543),
    (564527.1, 7320696), (578368.4, 7297569), (594972.5, 7299350),
    (635337.6, 7300907), (649867.0, 7308755), (642136.1, 7323236),
    (644287.0, 7301646), (647413.1, 7298133), (660147.9, 7294922),
    (661158.7, 7304247), (677788.7, 7303612), (688676.9, 7303413),
    (686350.5, 7301771), (690122.9, 7303681), (683197.7, 7308678),
    (648936.3, 7312211), (637416.5, 7316094), (631286.5, 7335698),
    (621747.9, 7359180), (610528.1, 7380706), (601504.8, 7402010),
    (635005.1, 7320464), (680882.5, 7274095), (677057.4, 7259603)

# Compute convex hull for data1
hull_data1 = ConvexHull(data1_points)
hull_points_data1 = data1_points[hull_data1.vertices]

# Compute convex hull for data2
hull_data2 = ConvexHull(data2_points)
hull_points_data2 = data2_points[hull_data2.vertices]

# Plot the convex hulls
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

# Plot data1 convex hull
plt.fill(hull_points_data1[:,0], hull_points_data1[:,1], 'blue', alpha=0.3, label='Data1 Convex Hull')

# Plot data2 convex hull
plt.fill(hull_points_data2[:,0], hull_points_data2[:,1], 'green', alpha=0.3, label='Data2 Convex Hull')

# Set labels and legend
plt.title('Convex Hulls of Data Points')

# Show plot




from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import numpy as np

# Define the points for data1
data1_points = np.array([
    (406700.4, 7201767), (398192.5, 7206899), (402995.9, 7223166),
    (424210.3, 7264295), (449045.0, 7315044), (476329.8, 7304172),
    (516543.0, 7281898), (543151.1, 7292038), (553048.0, 7299822),
    (551770.3, 7275758), (561142.6, 7261667), (560292.0, 7251473),
    (544158.5, 7229430), (566519.0, 7224846), (578221.2, 7242260),
    (589978.4, 7237221), (614511.6, 7241832), (629119.1, 7229805),
    (643408.0, 7229532), (675159.5, 7261319), (679089.6, 7273392),
    (688517.1, 7283675), (699653.7, 7305478), (703623.1, 7319123),
    (697325.5, 7335428), (732159.0, 7341021), (722027.8, 7336020),
    (729827.0, 7312423), (741539.1, 7289712), (742604.1, 7284240)

# Define the points for data2
data2_points = np.array([
    (548055.7, 7291742), (550953.6, 7313012), (553370.8, 7302842),
    (543710.0, 7306752), (542931.4, 7305144), (544490.5, 7308543),
    (564527.1, 7320696), (578368.4, 7297569), (594972.5, 7299350),
    (635337.6, 7300907), (649867.0, 7308755), (642136.1, 7323236),
    (644287.0, 7301646), (647413.1, 7298133), (660147.9, 7294922),
    (661158.7, 7304247), (677788.7, 7303612), (688676.9, 7303413),
    (686350.5, 7301771), (690122.9, 7303681), (683197.7, 7308678),
    (648936.3, 7312211), (637416.5, 7316094), (631286.5, 7335698),
    (621747.9, 7359180), (610528.1, 7380706), (601504.8, 7402010),
    (635005.1, 7320464), (680882.5, 7274095), (677057.4, 7259603)

# Compute convex hull for data1
hull_data1 = ConvexHull(data1_points)
hull_points_data1 = data1_points[hull_data1.vertices]

# Compute convex hull for data2
hull_data2 = ConvexHull(data2_points)
hull_points_data2 = data2_points[hull_data2.vertices]

# Convert hull points to Shapely Polygon objects
polygon_data1 = Polygon(hull_points_data1)
polygon_data2 = Polygon(hull_points_data2)

# Compute the intersection of the polygons
intersection_polygon = polygon_data1.intersection(polygon_data2)

# Check if there is an intersection
if intersection_polygon.is_empty:
    intersection_area = 0.0
    intersection_area = intersection_polygon.area

print("Area of intersection:", intersection_area)


Area of intersection: 7294242975.459987


出于某种奇怪的原因,R 代码预期执行与所提供的 Python 代码相同的任务,但报告没有交叉区域,如问题评论中所报告的那样:


# Define the points for data1
data1_points <- matrix(c(
  406700.4, 7201767, 398192.5, 7206899, 402995.9, 7223166,
  424210.3, 7264295, 449045.0, 7315044, 476329.8, 7304172,
  516543.0, 7281898, 543151.1, 7292038, 553048.0, 7299822,
  551770.3, 7275758, 561142.6, 7261667, 560292.0, 7251473,
  544158.5, 7229430, 566519.0, 7224846, 578221.2, 7242260,
  589978.4, 7237221, 614511.6, 7241832, 629119.1, 7229805,
  643408.0, 7229532, 675159.5, 7261319, 679089.6, 7273392,
  688517.1, 7283675, 699653.7, 7305478, 703623.1, 7319123,
  697325.5, 7335428, 732159.0, 7341021, 722027.8, 7336020,
  729827.0, 7312423, 741539.1, 7289712, 742604.1, 7284240
), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# Define the points for data2
data2_points <- matrix(c(
  548055.7, 7291742, 550953.6, 7313012, 553370.8, 7302842,
  543710.0, 7306752, 542931.4, 7305144, 544490.5, 7308543,
  564527.1, 7320696, 578368.4, 7297569, 594972.5, 7299350,
  635337.6, 7300907, 649867.0, 7308755, 642136.1, 7323236,
  644287.0, 7301646, 647413.1, 7298133, 660147.9, 7294922,
  661158.7, 7304247, 677788.7, 7303612, 688676.9, 7303413,
  686350.5, 7301771, 690122.9, 7303681, 683197.7, 7308678,
  648936.3, 7312211, 637416.5, 7316094, 631286.5, 7335698,
  621747.9, 7359180, 610528.1, 7380706, 601504.8, 7402010,
  635005.1, 7320464, 680882.5, 7274095, 677057.4, 7259603
), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# Convert the points to Simple Features objects with CRS 5321
data1_sf <- st_as_sf(data.frame(data1_points), coords = c("X1", "X2"), crs = 5321)
data2_sf <- st_as_sf(data.frame(data2_points), coords = c("X1", "X2"), crs = 5321)

# Compute the convex hulls
hull_data1 <- st_convex_hull(data1_sf)
hull_data2 <- st_convex_hull(data2_sf)

# Compute the intersection of the convex hulls
intersection_polygon <- st_intersection(hull_data1, hull_data2)

# Check if intersection_polygon is empty
if (nrow(intersection_polygon) == 0) {
  print("No intersection found")
} else {
  # Plot the intersection polygon


~ $ Rscript /home/o/oOo/O@@/stackoverflow/matplotlib/intersection-3.r
Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.1, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
[1] "No intersection found"
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