
问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我想创建一个相关的标签搜索工具。问题是我找不到该使用哪个api端点。在insta文档中 网页 是只有选项。

GET /ig_hashtag_search — to get a specific hashtag's node ID
GET /{ig-hashtag-id} — to get data about a hashtag
GET /{ig-hashtag-id}/top_media — to get the most popular photos and videos that have a specific hashtag
GET /{ig-hashtag-id}/recent_media — to get the most recently published photos and videos that have a specific hashtag
GET /{ig-user-id}/recently_searched_hashtags — to determine the unique hashtags an Instagram Business or Creator Account has searched for in the current week


instagram instagram-graph-api
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