
问题描述 投票:1回答:2

我试图让从大的文本中找到字符串hello awesome world生成模式计数。图案通过置换单词和在与之间替换*一个字生成。在这个例子中我仅使用4种模式,以简化的东西。我不是很熟悉的正则表达式,所以我的代码不符合我需要的一切呢。我可能会很快搞清楚,但我不知道这是否会很好地扩展,当我喂真实数据。


import re
from collections import Counter

# Input text. Could consist of hundreds of thousands of sentences.
txt = """
Lorèm ipsum WORLD dolor AWESOME sit amèt, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Duis id AWESOME HELLO lorem metus. Pràesent molestie malesuada finibus. 
Morbi non èx a WORLD HELLO AWESOME erat bibendum rhoncus. Quisque sit 
ametnibh cursus, tempor mi et, sodàles neque. Nunc dapibus vitae ligula at porta. 
Quisque sit amet màgna eù sem sagittis dignissim et non leo. 
Quisque WORLD, AWESOME dapibus et vèlit tristique tristique. Sed 
efficitur dui tincidunt, aliquet lèo eget, pellentesque felis. Donec 
venenatis elit ac aliquet varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus
orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Vestibulum sed ligula 
gravida, commodo neque at, mattis urna. Duis nisl neque, sollicitudin nec 
mauris sit amet, euismod semper massa. Curabitur sodales ultrices nibh, 
ut ultrices ante maximus sed. Donec rutrum libero in turpis gravida 
dignissim. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent eu tempor quam, id dictum felis. 
Nullam aliquam molestie tortor, at iaculis metus volutpat et. In dolor 
lacus, AWESOME sip HELLO volutpat ac convallis non, pulvinar eu massa.

txt = txt.lower()

# Patterns generated from a 1-8 word input string. Could also consist of hundreds of 
# thousands of patterns
patterns = [
    'awesome hello', 
    'world hello awesome',
    'world (.*?) awesome'   # '*' - represents any word between

regex = '|'.join(patterns)
result = re.findall(regex, txt)
counter = Counter(result)
# >>> Counter({'awesome': 5, 'world': 3})

# For some reason i can't get strings with more than one word to match

# Expected output
found_pattern_counts = {
    'world': 3,
    'awesome': 5,
    'awesome hello': 1, 
    'world hello awesome': 1,
    'world * awesome': 2
python regex


patterns = [
    'awesome hello', 
    'world hello awesome',
    'world (.*?) awesome'

result = {} 
for pattern in patterns:
   rex = re.compile(fr'{pattern}') 
   count = len(rex.findall(txt))   
   result[pattern] = result.get(pattern, 0) + count





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