
问题描述 投票:16回答:3

我在vba写了一个脚本,从movie names网站上刮掉不同的genre和他们的torrent。虽然namegenre存在于它的登陆页面中,但是我创建了一个脚本来解析相同的一层深层(从它们的主页面)。更清楚的是,这是page之一,我的主页是什么意思。我的脚本正在完美地解析它们。但是,我的目的是做同样的异步请求。目前,脚本正在以同步方式执行它的工作(以阻塞方式)。

在我的previous post,我得到了omegastripes的回答,他创造了一个脚本(which more or less performs like how multiprocessing works),意味着工作asynchronously。这就是我发现这个想法的地方,但不能在以下脚本中实现相同的功能。


Sub GetInfo()
    Const URL = "https://yts.am/browse-movies"
    Dim Http As New ServerXMLHTTP60, Html As New HTMLDocument
    Dim post As HTMLDivElement, oName$, oGenre$, R&
    Dim I&, key As Variant, iDic As Object
    Set iDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    With Http
        .Open "GET", URL, False
        Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    With Html.querySelectorAll(".browse-movie-wrap .browse-movie-title")
        For I = 0 To .Length - 1
            iDic(.Item(I).getAttribute("href")) = 1
        Next I
    End With

    For Each key In iDic.keys
        With Http
            .Open "GET", key, False
            Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
        End With

        oName = Html.querySelector("h1").innerText
        oGenre = Html.querySelector("h2").NextSibling.innerText
        R = R + 1: Cells(R, 1) = oName
        Cells(R, 2) = oGenre
    Next key
End Sub


vba asynchronous web-scraping



Option Explicit

Sub Test()

    Const PoolCapacity = 30 ' Async requests qty
    Const MoviesMin = 55 ' Movies in queue + expected movies min qty to request new browse page
    Const ReqDelayMin = 0.15 ' Min delay between requests to avoid ban, sec
    Const ReqTimeout = 15 ' Request timeout, sec
    Const ReqRetryMax = 3 ' Attempts for each request before quit

    Dim oWS As Worksheet
    Dim y As Long
    Dim ocPool As Collection
    Dim ocMovies As Collection
    Dim lMoviesPerPage As Long
    Dim lBPageIndex As Long
    Dim lBPagesInPoolQty As Long
    Dim bLastBPageReached As Boolean
    Dim dPrevReqSent As Double
    Dim i As Long
    Dim bBPageInPool As Boolean
    Dim dT As Double
    Dim bFail As Boolean
    Dim sResp As String
    Dim oMatches As Object
    Dim oMatch
    Dim oReq As Object
    Dim oRequest As cRequest

    ' Prepare worksheet
    Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
    y = 1
    ' Init
    Set ocPool = New Collection ' Requests async pool
    Set ocMovies = New Collection ' Movies urls queue
    lMoviesPerPage = 20 ' Movies per page qty
    lBPageIndex = 1 ' Current browse page index for request
    bLastBPageReached = False ' Last page reached flag
    dPrevReqSent = -60# * 60# * 24# ' Init delay timer
    ' Start parsing
        lBPagesInPoolQty = 0 ' How many browse pages currently in pool
        ' Check pool for all flagged and completed requests
        For i = ocPool.Count To 1 Step -1
            bBPageInPool = Not ocPool(i).IsMovie
            ' Delay from last request
            dT = Timer - dPrevReqSent
            If dT < 0 Then dT = dT + 60# * 60# * 24#
            Select Case True
                ' Check request has no sent flag
                Case Not ocPool(i).NeedSend
                    On Error Resume Next
                    bFail = False
                    sResp = ""
                    With ocPool(i).HTTPRequest
                        ' Check http request is ready and status is OK
                        Select Case True
                            Case .ReadyState < 4 ' Not ready
                            Case .Status \ 100 <> 2 ' Wrong status
                                Debug.Print .Status & " / " & .StatusText & " (" & ocPool(i).URL & ")"
                                bFail = True
                            Case Else ' Ready and OK
                                sResp = .ResponseText
                        End Select
                    End With
                    If sResp = "" Then
                        ' Request elapsed time
                        dT = Timer - ocPool(i).SendTimer
                        If dT < 0 Then dT = dT + 60# * 60# * 24#
                        ' Check request is failed
                        Select Case True
                            Case Err.Number <> 0 ' Runtime error
                                Debug.Print Err.Number & " / " & Err.Description & " (" & ocPool(i).URL & ")"
                                bFail = True
                            Case dT > ReqTimeout ' Timeout
                                Debug.Print "Timeout (" & ocPool(i).URL & ")"
                                bFail = True
                        End Select
                        On Error GoTo 0
                        If bFail Then ' Request has been failed
                            ocPool(i).FailsCount = ocPool(i).FailsCount + 1
                            ' Check attempts
                            If ocPool(i).FailsCount > ReqRetryMax Then
                                Debug.Print "Quit (" & ocPool(i).URL & ")"
                                ocPool.Remove i ' Quit
                                bBPageInPool = False
                                ocPool(i).NeedSend = True ' Raise send flag to retry
                            End If
                        End If
                    Else ' Response received
                        If ocPool(i).IsMovie Then
                            ' Response from movie page
                            With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
                                ' Parse Title, Year, Genre
                                ' <h1 itemprop\="name">___</h1>\s*<h2>___</h2>\s*<h2>___</h2>
                                .Pattern = "<h1 itemprop\=""name"">([^<]*)</h1>\s*<h2>([^<]*)</h2>\s*<h2>([^<]*)</h2>"
                                Set oMatches = .Execute(sResp)
                                If oMatches.Count = 1 Then ' Output to worksheet
                                    oWS.Cells(y, 1).Value = oMatches(0).SubMatches(0)
                                    oWS.Cells(y, 2).Value = oMatches(0).SubMatches(1)
                                    oWS.Cells(y, 3).Value = oMatches(0).SubMatches(2)
                                    y = y + 1
                                End If
                            End With
                            ' Response from browse page
                            With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
                                .Global = True
                                ' Parse movies urls
                                ' <a href="___" class="browse-movie-link">
                                .Pattern = "<a href=""([^""]*)"" class=""browse-movie-link"">"
                                Set oMatches = .Execute(sResp)
                                For Each oMatch In oMatches
                                    ocMovies.Add oMatch.SubMatches(0) ' Movies queue fed
                                ' Parse next page button
                                ' <a href="/browse-movies?page=___">Next
                                .Pattern = "<a href\=""/browse-movies\?page\=\d+"">Next "
                                bLastBPageReached = bLastBPageReached Or Not .Test(sResp)
                            End With
                            If Not bLastBPageReached Then lMoviesPerPage = oMatches.Count ' Update lMoviesPerPage
                        End If
                        ocPool.Remove i
                        bBPageInPool = False
                    End If
                ' Check request has send flag raised and delay enough
                Case dT > ReqDelayMin
                    ' Send the request
                    Set oReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
                    With oReq
                        .Open "GET", ocPool(i).URL, True
                        ' .SetProxy 2, ""
                        .SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)"
                    End With
                    ocPool(i).NeedSend = False
                    ocPool(i).SendTimer = Timer
                    dPrevReqSent = ocPool(i).SendTimer
                    Set ocPool(i).HTTPRequest = oReq
            End Select
            If bBPageInPool Then lBPagesInPoolQty = lBPagesInPoolQty + 1
        ' Check if there is a room for a new request in pool
        If ocPool.Count < PoolCapacity Then
            ' Add one new request to pool
            ' Check if movies in queue + expected movies are not enough
            If ocMovies.Count + lBPagesInPoolQty * lMoviesPerPage < MoviesMin And Not bLastBPageReached Then
                ' Add new request for next browse page to feed movie queue
                Set oRequest = New cRequest
                With oRequest
                    .URL = "https://yts.am/browse-movies?page=" & lBPageIndex
                    .IsMovie = False
                    .NeedSend = True
                    .FailsCount = 0
                End With
                ocPool.Add oRequest
                lBPageIndex = lBPageIndex + 1
                ' Check if movie page urls are parsed and available in queue
                If ocMovies.Count > 0 Then
                    ' Add new request for next movie page from queue
                    Set oRequest = New cRequest
                    With oRequest
                        .URL = ocMovies(1)
                        .IsMovie = True
                        .NeedSend = True
                        .FailsCount = 0
                    End With
                    ocPool.Add oRequest
                    ocMovies.Remove 1
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Loop While ocPool.Count > 0 ' Loop until the last request completed
    MsgBox "Completed"

End Sub


Public URL As String
Public IsMovie As Boolean
Public NeedSend As Boolean
Public SendTimer As Double
Public HTTPRequest As Object
Public FailsCount As Long

请小心减少请求Const ReqDelayMin之间的延迟。一旦我以高费率推出它,它工作了一段时间并导致Cloudflare DDoS保护触发,目前,我无法直接从我的IP使代码工作,唯一的方法是使用代理请求(你可以看到.SetProxy的注释行。即使在Chrome中,我现在也在进行Cloudflare重定向:

Cloudflare DDoS protection

因此,该方法只是揭示了这个问题,然而,最安全和更有效的方法是使用the website API中描述的this answer




Sub GetInfo()
    On Error GoTo FailedState
    If Not xmlHttpRequest Is Nothing Then Set xmlHttpRequest = Nothing

    Dim MyXmlHttpHandler As CXMLHTTPHandler
    Dim url As String

    url = "https://yts.am/browse-movies"

    Set xmlHttpRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP

    ' Create an instance of the wrapper class.
    Set MyXmlHttpHandler = New CXMLHTTPHandler
    MyXmlHttpHandler.Initialize xmlHttpRequest

    ' Assign the wrapper class object to onreadystatechange.
    xmlHttpRequest.OnReadyStateChange = MyXmlHttpHandler

    ' Get the page stuff asynchronously.
    xmlHttpRequest.Open "GET", url, True
    xmlHttpRequest.send ""

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Sub

这是class CXMLHTTPHandler异步处理响应:

Option Explicit

Dim m_xmlHttp As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60

Public Sub Initialize(ByRef xmlHttpRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60)
    Set m_xmlHttp = xmlHttpRequest
End Sub

Sub OnReadyStateChange()
    Debug.Print m_xmlHttp.readyState
    If m_xmlHttp.readyState = 4 Then
        'Now the page is loaded
        'insert here your code to process the response
        MsgBox m_xmlHttp.responseText 'i.e. print the response
    End If
End Sub





  • 使用两个按钮创建用户表单。 normal的一个按钮叫GetInfoasync的一个按钮叫GetInfoAsync。出于异步调用的目的,在此表单中声明了两个集合,一个包含请求对象,另一个包含处理程序。每个请求都是异步发送的,并且有自己的处理程序,当响应文本到达时处理响应文本。
  • 根据this帖子,课程CXMLHTTPHandler被创建。将此文件导入您的项目。


Option Explicit

Private Const url = "https://yts.am/browse-movies"
Private m_requests As VBA.Collection
Private m_handlers As VBA.Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Set m_requests = New VBA.Collection
    Set m_handlers = New VBA.Collection
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub

Sub GetInfoAsync()
    Dim iDic As Object
    Dim Html As New HTMLDocument
    Dim Http As New ServerXMLHTTP60
    Dim I&
    Dim key As Variant

    Set iDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    With Http
        .Open "GET", url, False
        Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    With Html.querySelectorAll(".browse-movie-wrap .browse-movie-title")
        For I = 0 To .Length - 1
            iDic(.Item(I).getAttribute("href")) = 1
        Next I
    End With

    Dim myXmlHttpHandler As CXMLHTTPHandler
    Dim myXmlHttpRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60

    For Each key In iDic.keys

        Set myXmlHttpRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
        Set myXmlHttpHandler = New CXMLHTTPHandler

        m_requests.Add myXmlHttpRequest
        m_handlers.Add myXmlHttpHandler

        myXmlHttpHandler.Initialize myXmlHttpRequest
        myXmlHttpRequest.OnReadyStateChange = myXmlHttpHandler

        myXmlHttpRequest.Open "GET", key, True
        myXmlHttpRequest.send ""

    Next key
End Sub

Sub GetInfo()
    Dim Http As New ServerXMLHTTP60, Html As New HTMLDocument
    Dim post As HTMLDivElement, oName$, oGenre$, r&
    Dim I&, key As Variant, iDic As Object
    Set iDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    With Http
        .Open "GET", url, False
        Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    With Html.querySelectorAll(".browse-movie-wrap .browse-movie-title")
        For I = 0 To .Length - 1
            iDic(.Item(I).getAttribute("href")) = 1
        Next I
    End With

    For Each key In iDic.keys


        With Http
            .Open "GET", key, False
            Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
        End With

        oName = Html.querySelector("h1").innerText
        oGenre = Html.querySelector("h2").NextSibling.innerText
        r = r + 1: Cells(r, 1) = oName
        Cells(r, 2) = oGenre
    Next key
End Sub


  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "CXMLHTTPHandler"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Private m_xmlHttp As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60

Public Sub Initialize(ByRef xmlHttpRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60)
   Set m_xmlHttp = xmlHttpRequest
End Sub

Sub OnReadyStateChange()
Attribute OnReadyStateChange.VB_UserMemId = 0

   Dim oName$, oGenre$

   If m_xmlHttp.readyState = 4 Then
      If m_xmlHttp.Status = 200 Then
        Dim Html As New HTMLDocument
        Dim Http As New ServerXMLHTTP60
        Set Http = New ServerXMLHTTP60
        Html.body.innerHTML = m_xmlHttp.responseText

        oName = Html.querySelector("h1").innerText
        oGenre = Html.querySelector("h2").NextSibling.innerText

        Dim r
        r = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 1
        Cells(r, 1) = oName
        Cells(r, 2) = oGenre

         'Error happened
     End If
   End If
End Sub


  • CML MicroSoft,v.0
  • Microsoft HTML对象库
  • Microsoft Internet Controls
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