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我想用jqueryjs来高亮显示文本中某个单词的特定出现。试图找出是否有任何现有的库,我可以使用。我读过mark.js,但它没有提供我所需要的功能。示例文本。"在一个家里,有一个房间,房间有一扇门 "高亮字:"房间 "出现次数:2文中第二个 "房间 "需要高亮。请提出建议。谢谢

javascript jquery


const highlighter = (string, token, index) => {
  let n = -1
  for (let i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
    n = string.indexOf(token, n + 1)
  return string.slice(0, n) + string.slice(n).replace(token, '<span class="highlight">' + token + '</span>')

const text = 'In a home, there is a room, the room has a door.<br>'
const firstRoom = highlighter(text, 'room', 0)
const secondRoom = highlighter(text, 'room', 1)

.highlight {
  background-color: lightblue;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="result"></div>




let text = "In a home, there is a room, the room has a door.";
let search = "room";
var n = text.lastIndexOf(search);
text = text.slice(0, n) + text.slice(n).replace(search, "<span class='highlight'>" + search + "</span>");
.highlight {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="result">


// To replace all (commented out so it doesn't interfere with the other one)
var p = document.getElementById("text"); // Gets the <p>
var text = p.innerText; // Gets the text it contains
var wordToReplace = "room"; // Which word should be replaced
var newtext = text.replaceAll(wordToReplace, '<span class="highlight">' + wordToReplace + '</span>'); // Replaces the word with the word wrapped in <span> tags, so it will look highlighted
p.innerHTML = newtext; // Change it back

// To replace specific occurences
var paragraph = document.getElementById("text"); // Gets the <p>
var txt = paragraph.innerText; // Gets the text it contains
var textToReplace = 'room' // Word to be replaced
var replace = RegExp(textToReplace, 'g');
var matches = txt.matchAll(replace); // Gets all places where the text matches the word
var replacementPositions = [0, 2]; // Occurences which should be highlighted
var i = 0; // Which match this is; starts at 0
for (const match of matches) { // For each match...
  var text = match[0]; // The matching text
  var start = match.index; // Start position
  var end = match.index + text.length; // End position
  if (replacementPositions.includes(i)) { // If it should be replaced (in the replacementPositions array)
    var startText = txt.substring(0, start - 1); // Text before match
    var endText = txt.substring(start); // Text after match
    endText = endText.substring(text.length); // Removes matching text from the text after the match
    txt = startText + '<span class="highlight">' + text + '</span>' + endText; // Insert the match back in, wrapped in a <span>
  i++; // Increment
paragraph.innerHTML = txt; // Set the paragraph text back
.highlight {
  background-color: yellow;
<p id="text">First: room. Another one: room. Last time: room</p>

第一个方法检测单词的所有出现点,然后将它们包裹在一个... <span>. 该 <span> 有一个样式,可以设置文本的背景颜色,使其看起来 "高亮"。

第二种方法会检查这个词的每一个出现,并检查它是否应该被高亮显示。如果是的话,它就会进行一些操作,将该词的出现包裹在一个叫做 <span>,就像上面的方法。

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