
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



# Ask the user for a password that's at least 6 characters long

 while True:
    password = input("Enter a password for this account: ")
# Verify that the user's input is 6 characters long

    if len(password) < 6:
        print("Your password must be at least 6 characters long! ")
# Has the user verify the password

    password = input("Please verify your password by typing it in again: ")
    if password == password:
        print("Thank you for confirming your password")
        print("Nope your password did not match")



def main():
print("You do the typin, I will take care of the rest!")

#User will be prompted to input their first and last name
firstname = input("Please give me your first name. ")
lastname = input("Thank you, now please give me your last name. ")

# The first and last name will be concatenated and the first letter of the
# users name will be attatched to their last name.

username = firstname[0] + lastname[:7]

# Now to generate the random number from 100-999 to attach to the new
# username

import random
from random import randint

print("Welcome", username + str(random.randint(100,999)))

import re

def sub():

# Ask the user for a password that's at least 6 charcaters long
 while True:
    password = input("Enter a password for this account: ")
# Verify that the users input is 6 charcters long
    if len(password) < 6:
        print("Your password must be at least 6 charcaters long! ")
# Has the user verify the password
    password = input("Please verify your password by typing it in again: ")
    if password == password:
        print("Thank you for confirming your password")
        print("Nope your password did not match")
# Now the user must login using the generated username from above
    username = input("Enter your generated username! ")
    if username == username:
        print("I have never seen you before!")
    password = input("Now enter your accounts password: ")
    if password == password:
        print("You are now logged in!")
python input verification skip

因此,您的代码中有很多错误。第一个是,如果密码少于6个字符,没有什么可以阻止程序继续运行。其次,password == password将始终返回true,因为您正在对照自身检查var。我重新编写了一些代码,以尝试帮助您解决问题。我希望这有帮助!我还将代码拆分为几个函数+添加了getpass(https://docs.python.org/3/library/getpass.html

from getpass import getpass # You can use this module to hide the password the user inputs
from random import randint

def generate_username():
    # Basic username generation, same thing you did
    print("You do the typin, I will take care of the rest!")
    firstname = input("Please give me your first name. ")
    lastname = input("Thank you, now please give me your last name. ")
    username = firstname[0] + lastname[:7] + str(randint(1, 99))
    # You can't concatenate strings and ints, so I convert the number to a string first
    print(f"Your username is: {username}") # f-strings (https://realpython.com/python-f-strings/)
    return username

def generate_password():
    while True:
        password = getpass("Enter a password for this account: ")
        confirm_password = getpass("Enter your password again: ") # Ask the user to enter the password a second time to confirm
        if password != confirm_password: # Check if the user entered the same password
            print("Passwords dont match!")
        elif len(password) < 6: # Check the length
            print("Your password must be at least 6 charcaters long! ")
        else: # If everythings all good
            print("Password is valid!")
            return password # Break the loop and return password value

def login(username, password):
    # Used to login a user
    while True:
        entered_username = input("Enter your username: ")
        entered_password = getpass("Enter your password: ")
        if username == entered_username and password == entered_password:
            # Confirm if username and password are correct, then exit the loop (or do something else)
            print("Login successful!")
            print("Login failed, please confirm your username and password")

username = generate_username()
password = generate_password()
login(username, password)
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