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raise ValueError("Error %d while encrypting in ECB mode" % result) ValueError: 在ECB模式下加密时出现错误3。


with open(loc, 'rb') as file:
     data = file.read()
     Edata = Encrypt(data)


def Encrypt(msg): #AES
    pad = lambda x: x + (SIZE - len(x) % SIZE) * PADDING
    msg = pad(msg)
    cipher = AES.new(hkey,AES.MODE_ECB)
    cipherTxt = cipher.encrypt(msg)
    return cipherTxt

编辑: python 3. 6

def Decrypt(msg): #AES
    decipher = AES.new(hkey,AES.MODE_ECB)
    plain = decipher.decrypt(msg)
    index = plain.find(b".")
    original = msg[:index]
    return original
python encryption byte aes

加密二进制数据与我的加密包(来自Anaconda)一起工作。你可能使用了不同的软件包 - 如果你试图加密一个字符串,我的软件包会出错。这可能只是一个稻草人,但这对我来说是可行的。

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
import random

password = "temp"
hashObj = SHA256.new(password.encode("utf-8"))
hkey = hashObj.digest()

def Encrypt(msg, blocksize=16):
    """encrypt msg with padding to blocksize. Padding rule is to fill with
    NUL up to the final character which is the padding size as an 8-bit
    integer (retrieved as `msg[-1]`)
    assert blocksize > 2 and blocksize < 256
    last = len(msg) % blocksize
    pad = blocksize - last
    random_pad = bytes(random.sample(range(255), pad-1))
    msg = msg + random_pad + bytes([pad])
    cipher = AES.new(hkey,AES.MODE_ECB)
    cipherTxt = cipher.encrypt(msg)
    return cipherTxt

def Decrypt(msg): #AES
    decipher = AES.new(hkey,AES.MODE_ECB)
    print('msg size', len(msg))
    plain = decipher.decrypt(msg)
    print('plain', plain)
    original = plain[:-plain[-1]]
    return original

# test binary data
sample = bytes(range(41))
print('sample', sample)
encrypted = Encrypt(sample, 16)
print('encrypted', encrypted)
print(len(sample), len(encrypted))
decrypted = Decrypt(encrypted)
print('decrypted', decrypted)
print('matched', decrypted == sample)

# test blocksize boundary
sample = bytes(range(48))
decrypted = Decrypt(Encrypt(sample))
print('on blocksize', sample==decrypted)
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