Swagger Generate Subtypes based on enum giving an error

问题描述 投票:0回答:0


@JsonTypeInfo(use = Id.NAME, include = As.PROPERTY, property = "importType", visible = true)
@JsonSubTypes({@Type(value = MriImportRequest.class, name = "MRI")})
    description = "Entity",
    discriminatorProperty = "importType",
    discriminatorMapping = {@DiscriminatorMapping(schema = MriImportRequest.class, value = "MRI")})
public abstract class FileImportInput {

      type = "ImportType",
      example = "MRI",
      required = true,
      description = "The `type` attribute identifies the type of import like MRI")
  private ImportType importType;

      type = "string",
      example = "riskdata/v1/exposuresets/es1/1223/portfolios/12",
      description = "Resource identification string",
      required = true)
  private String resourceUri;

  public ImportType getImportType() {
    return importType;

  public void setImportType(ImportType importType) {
    this.importType = importType;

  public String getResourceUri() {
    return resourceUri;

  public void setResourceUri(String resourceUri) {
    this.resourceUri = resourceUri;

基于导入类型值,我定义了这个 MriImportRequest 类

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class MriImportRequest extends FileImportInput {

      type = "MriImportSettings",
      example = "{ \"geohaz\":true}",
      description = "Contains all settings")
  private MriImportSettings settings;

  public MriImportSettings getSettings() {
    return settings;

  public void setSettings(MriImportSettings settings) {
    this.settings = settings;

我在 swagger 代码生成的 POM 中有以下条目


在 swagger 生成的类中,出现以下错误。我无法理解为什么

当我尝试构建我得到的项目时,不兼容的类型:java.lang.String cannot be converted to com.rms.sdk.model.FileImportInput.ImportTypeEnum,下面是出错的代码,它是 this.importType线。

public FileImportInput() {
  this.importType = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
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