有没有办法根据另一个表中某一列的累计总计来获取第一个表中的 ProcessDate 值?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1



-- Table 1 Definition
drop table if exists #Table1
create table #Table1
    TREATY_COMPANY_CODE varchar(3),
    CURRENCY varchar(3),
    ProcessDate date,
    RowNumber int,
    Payment_Total decimal(20, 2)

insert into #Table1
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-12-31', 1, 32929.92),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-11-14', 2, 2400.0),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-10-22', 3, 635.0),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-03-28', 4, -21808.25),
    ('165', 'USD', '2019-02-13', 5, 54906.57)


drop table if exists #Table2
create table #Table2
    PolicyNo int null,
    ZeylRankNo int null,
    TreatyCompanyCode nvarchar(3) null,
    CurrencyType nvarchar(3) null,
    DisposedDate datetime null,
    ProvinceNo nvarchar(3) null,
    GWP decimal(20, 5) null,
    Commission_Received decimal(20, 5) null,
    PrKom decimal(20, 5) null
insert into #Table2

如果 Table2 中的 [Pr-Kom] 列中的累计总计超过了 table1 中的第一个数字 ( payment_total:32929,92) ,则将 ProcessDate 值带入所有行,然后移至下一个数字 (2400) ,计算累计总计并做同样的事!


       CASE WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 1)  THEN CAST('2019-12-31' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 2) THEN CAST('2019-11-14' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 3) THEN CAST('2019-10-22' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 4) THEN CAST('2019-03-28' AS date)
       WHEN CumulativeTotal <= (SELECT Payment_Total FROM Table1 WHERE RowNumber = 5) THEN CAST('2019-02-13' AS date)
       ELSE CAST('1900-01-01' AS date) END
       ) AS Date
       ,SUM(K.[Pr-Kom]) OVER(ORDER BY K.RN) AS CumulativeTotal
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DisposedDate) AS RN
FROM Table2
WHERE TreatyCompanyCode='165'
AND CurrencyType='USD'
) AS K


sql sql-server window-functions


首先,需要注意的是。如果没有确定的方式来对行进行排序,我不相信这可以通过 SQL 实现。您需要能够识别一个分区的结束位置和另一个分区的开始位置,如果您没有办法知道哪一行在另一行之前,那么您根本无法做到这一点。



对于每次迭代,我都会获得“剩余”记录的运行总数。在第一个循环中,这就是一切,从 RID = 1 开始。在第二个循环中,无论您在第一遍中设置什么,这都是从

开始的。 从那里,我得到最大 RID 加一,以说明您希望第一行


表 1 中的阈值。 drop table if exists #T1 create table #T1 ( RowNumber int, ProcessDate date, PaymentTotal decimal(20, 2) ) drop table if exists #T2 create table #T2 ( RID int, PolicyNo int, DisposedDate datetime null, PrKom decimal(20, 5) null, PartitionRunningTotal decimal(20, 5) null, GroupId int null, -- Going to update this in a loopdy-loop to join #T1 to later ProcessDate date ) go insert into #T1 values (1,'2019-12-31',32929.92), (2,'2019-11-14',2400.0), (3,'2019-10-22',635.0), (4,'2019-03-28',-21808.25), (5,'2019-02-13',54906.57) insert into #T2 (RID, PolicyNo, DisposedDate, PrKom) values ( 1, 50620211, N'2019-09-11T00:00:00', 97.64000 ), ( 2, 12789054, N'2019-09-11T00:00:00', 27.41000 ), ( 3, 12099876, N'2019-09-11T00:00:00', 875.00000 ), ( 4, 12125423, N'2019-09-11T00:00:00', 0.00000 ), ( 5, 56718901, N'2019-09-11T00:00:00', 1000.05000 ), ( 6, 23456791, N'2019-09-11T00:00:00', 1000.05000 ), ( 7, 21090323, N'2019-08-27T00:00:00', 1500.00000 ), ( 8, 21201921, N'2019-08-23T00:00:00', 775.05000 ), ( 9, 45231905, N'2019-08-23T00:00:00', 775.05000 ), ( 10, 45129834, N'2019-07-31T00:00:00', 1000.35000 ), ( 11, 27819123, N'2019-07-31T00:00:00', 6657.00000 ), ( 12, 28917634, N'2019-07-31T00:00:00', 10464.75000 ), ( 13, 23179001, N'2019-07-31T00:00:00', 2000.00000 ), ( 14, 90030602, N'2019-06-14T00:00:00', 775.05000 ), ( 15, 30402213, N'2019-05-13T00:00:00', 774.90000 ), ( 16, 34244590, N'2019-04-08T00:00:00', 159.95000 ), ( 17, 12893498, N'2019-04-08T00:00:00', 0.00000 ), ( 18, 12357634, N'2019-04-08T00:00:00', 775.05000 ), ( 19, 19092334, N'2019-04-08T00:00:00', 166.54000 ), ( 20, 19003023, N'2019-04-08T00:00:00', 958.77000 ), ( 21, 19917823, N'2019-03-26T00:00:00', -8348.95000 ), ( 22, 29912365, N'2019-02-21T00:00:00', 415.52000 ), ( 23, 76290123, N'2019-02-21T00:00:00', 1584.48000 ), ( 24, 90817623, N'2019-02-13T00:00:00', 10246.75000 ), ( 25, 23158723, N'2018-12-10T00:00:00', 2000.00000 ), ( 26, 23878123, N'2018-08-31T00:00:00', 0.00000 ), ( 27, 23198323, N'2018-08-31T00:00:00', 2246.17000 ), ( 28, 14712345, N'2018-07-23T00:00:00', 775.05000 ) -- GroupID is synonymous with the RowNumber from #T1. declare @GroupId int select @GroupId = min(RowNumber) from #T1 declare @PaymentTotal decimal(20, 5), @ProcessDate date, @PartitionEndRID int -- While there are still rows for which we havn't filled in this data... while exists ( select 1 from #t2 where GroupId is null ) begin select @PaymentTotal = PaymentTotal, @ProcessDate = ProcessDate from #t1 where RowNumber = @GroupId -- Get the upper boundary of the current partition ;with a as ( select RID, PartitionRunningTotal = sum(PrKom) over (order by RID) from #t2 where GroupId is null ) select @PartitionEndRID = max(a.RID) + 1 -- +1 to account for the value needing to _exceed_ the Payment Total from a where PartitionRunningTotal < @PaymentTotal -- Update everything in T2 (that's not already set) where the RID is less than the upper boundary update #T2 set GroupId = @GroupId, ProcessDate = @ProcessDate where GroupId is null and RID <= @PartitionEndRID -- Go again select @GroupID += 1 end -- This yields the output table select RID, PolicyNo, DisposedDate, PrKom, RunningTotal = sum(PrKom) over (order by RID), PartitionRunningTotal = sum(PrKom) over (partition by GroupId order by RID), GroupId, ProcessDate from #T2 order by RID


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