iosnoop,iotop,opensnoop,execsnoop,opensnoop,dtruss和其他基于dtrace的命令不适用于osx El capitan,macOS Sierra

问题描述 投票:36回答:2

在OSX 10.11.1上运行iosnoop命令时,出现以下文本错误:

dtrace: invalid probe specifier
  * Command line arguments
 inline int OPT_dump    = 0;
 inline int OPT_device  = 0;
 inline int OPT_delta   = 0;
 inline int OPT_devname = 0;
 inline int OPT_file    = 0;
 inline int OPT_args    = 0;
 inline int OPT_ins     = 0;
 inline int OPT_nums    = 0;
 inline int OPT_dtime   = 0;
 inline int OPT_mount   = 0;
 inline int OPT_start   = 0;
 inline int OPT_pid     = 0;
 inline int OPT_name    = 0;
 inline int OPT_end     = 0;
 inline int OPT_endstr  = 0;
 inline int FILTER  = 0;
 inline int PID     = 0;
 inline string DEVICE   = ".";
 inline string FILENAME = ".";
 inline string MOUNT    = ".";
 inline string NAME     = ".";

 #pragma D option quiet
 #pragma D option switchrate=10hz

  * Print header
    last_event[""] = 0;

    /* print optional headers */
    OPT_start   ? printf("%-14s ","STIME")   : 1;
    OPT_end     ? printf("%-14s ","TIME")    : 1;
    OPT_endstr  ? printf("%-20s ","STRTIME") : 1;
    OPT_devname ? printf("%-7s ","DEVICE")   : 1;
    OPT_ins     ? printf("%-3s ","INS")      : 1;
    OPT_nums    ? printf("%-3s %-3s ","MAJ","MIN") : 1;
    OPT_delta   ? printf("%-10s ","DELTA")   : 1;
    OPT_dtime   ? printf("%-10s ","DTIME")   : 1;

    /* print main headers */
    OPT_dump ?
        printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
        "TIME", "STIME", "DELTA", "DEVICE", "INS", "MAJ", "MIN", "UID",
        "PID", "PPID", "D", "BLOCK", "SIZE", "MOUNT", "FILE", "PATH",
        "COMM","ARGS") :
        printf("%5s %5s %1s %8s %6s ", "UID", "PID", "D", "BLOCK", "SIZE");
    OPT_args == 0 ? printf("%10s %s\n", "COMM", "PATHNAME") : 1;
    OPT_args == 1 ? printf("%28s %s\n", "PATHNAME", "ARGS") : 1;

  * Check event is being traced
    /* default is to trace unless filtering, */
    self->ok = FILTER ? 0 : 1;

    /* check each filter, */
    (OPT_device == 1 && DEVICE == args[1]->dev_statname)? self->ok = 1 : 1;
    (OPT_file == 1 && FILENAME == args[2]->fi_pathname) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
    (OPT_mount == 1 && MOUNT == args[2]->fi_mount) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
    (OPT_name == 1 && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
    (OPT_name == 1 && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
    (OPT_pid == 1 && PID == pid) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;

  * Reset last_event for disk idle -> start
  * this prevents idle time being counted as disk time.
 /! pending[args[1]->dev_statname]/
    /* save last disk event */
    last_event[args[1]->dev_statname] = timestamp;

  * Store entry details
    /* these are used as a unique disk event key, */
    this->dev = args[0]->b_edev;
    this->blk = args[0]->b_blkno;

    /* save disk event details, */
    start_uid[this->dev, this->blk] = (int)uid;
    start_pid[this->dev, this->blk] = pid;
    start_ppid[this->dev, this->blk] = ppid;
    start_args[this->dev, this->blk] = (char *)curpsinfo->pr_psargs;
    start_comm[this->dev, this->blk] = execname;
    start_time[this->dev, this->blk] = timestamp;

    /* increase disk event pending count */

    self->ok = 0;

  * Process and Print completion
 /start_time[args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno]/
    /* decrease disk event pending count */

     * Process details

    /* fetch entry values */
    this->dev = args[0]->b_edev;
    this->blk = args[0]->b_blkno;
    this->suid = start_uid[this->dev, this->blk];
    this->spid = start_pid[this->dev, this->blk];
    this->sppid = start_ppid[this->dev, this->blk];
    self->sargs = (int)start_args[this->dev, this->blk] == 0 ?
        "" : start_args[this->dev, this->blk];
    self->scomm = start_comm[this->dev, this->blk];
    this->stime = start_time[this->dev, this->blk];
    this->etime = timestamp; /* endtime */
    this->delta = this->etime - this->stime;
    this->dtime = last_event[args[1]->dev_statname] == 0 ? 0 :
        timestamp - last_event[args[1]->dev_statname];

    /* memory cleanup */
    start_uid[this->dev, this->blk]  = 0;
    start_pid[this->dev, this->blk]  = 0;
    start_ppid[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
    start_args[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
    start_time[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
    start_comm[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
    start_rw[this->dev, this->blk]   = 0;

     * Print details

    /* print optional fields */
    OPT_start   ? printf("%-14d ", this->stime/1000) : 1;
    OPT_end     ? printf("%-14d ", this->etime/1000) : 1;
    OPT_endstr  ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
    OPT_devname ? printf("%-7s ", args[1]->dev_statname) : 1;
    OPT_ins     ? printf("%3d ", args[1]->dev_instance) : 1;
    OPT_nums    ? printf("%3d %3d ",
        args[1]->dev_major, args[1]->dev_minor) : 1;
    OPT_delta   ? printf("%-10d ", this->delta/1000) : 1;
    OPT_dtime   ? printf("%-10d ", this->dtime/1000) : 1;

    /* print main fields */
    OPT_dump ?
        printf("%d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %s %s %s %s %S\n",
        this->etime/1000, this->stime/1000, this->delta/1000,
        args[1]->dev_statname, args[1]->dev_instance, args[1]->dev_major,
        args[1]->dev_minor, this->suid, this->spid, this->sppid,
        args[0]->b_flags & B_READ ? "R" : "W",
        args[0]->b_blkno, args[0]->b_bcount, args[2]->fi_mount,
        args[2]->fi_name, args[2]->fi_pathname, self->scomm, self->sargs) :
        printf("%5d %5d %1s %8d %6d ",
        this->suid, this->spid, args[0]->b_flags & B_READ ? "R" : "W",
        args[0]->b_blkno, args[0]->b_bcount);
    OPT_args == 0 ? printf("%10s %s\n", self->scomm, args[2]->fi_pathname)
        : 1;
    OPT_args == 1 ? printf("%28s %S\n",
        args[2]->fi_pathname, self->sargs) : 1;

    /* save last disk event */
    last_event[args[1]->dev_statname] = timestamp;

    /* cleanup */
    self->scomm = 0;
    self->sargs = 0;

  * Prevent pending from underflowing
  * this can happen if this program is started during disk events.
 /pending[args[1]->dev_statname] < 0/
    pending[args[1]->dev_statname] = 0;
: probe description io:::start does not match any probes


macos osx-elcapitan macos-sierra dtrace


Dtrace在El Capitan下被打破了


使用El Capitan的GA,dtrace无法跟踪驻留在系统目录中的任何实用程序,这有点问题。我想看看Photos应用程序正在使用的开放系统调用并遇到了这个问题。



Reboot the mac
Hold ⌘R during reboot
From the Utilities menu, run Terminal
Enter the following command
csrutil enable --without dtrace




(我想在Ara Yeressian的答案中添加评论,但stackoverflow不会让我目前的声誉很低)



事实证明,osx elcapitan中的root用户没有对计算机的完全访问权限。要更改此行为,您需要重新启动计算机并在启动时按住命令+ R进入恢复模式。从顶部menu->utility->terminal打开终端并执行下一个命令

csrutil disable 


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