
问题描述 投票:-1回答:2


[当我使用quit()exit()raise SystemExit(...)等时,所有这些都引发异常,导致出现“跟踪”消息。 (La)TeX中是否有类似\endinput的内容,可让解释器仅忽略文件的其余部分,就好像已经到达文件末尾一样?]

关于“如何退出...而没有回溯...”的问题在SO上已被多次问及回答,但答案始终是“你不能”; “一定是允许清理/调试的方法……”(有人提到os._exit(),然后其他人说“由于清理不完全,所以不可以”)。我认为这是指从“某物内”退出。我正在寻找一个命令,说“这是文件的结尾!”

PS:我知道我可以将文件的其余部分放在"""..."""中,但这仅适用于在“暂存区域”中已经有多行注释的地方。我真的在寻找类似\ endinput命令的东西。



def Newton(f,x0,eps,N):
    """here I implement Newton's method"""
    #(...) iterations go here (...)
    return x
def f(x): function for testing
   return ...

quit() # Unfortunately this raises a Traceback, at least when the file is "Run" 
# on pythonanywhere.com. I'd like to avoid this. I would simply like everything
# to be ignored after this point, let's say "for convenience", to simplify.
# I'd like to know whether it is possible, not whether in some situations I
# could or should do otherwise.

def f(x):# this is another function for testing
   return [something else]
[...] # another formula to try. This is just a snippet and might not compile.
def Newton(...):# the old version. Not yet trashed because maybe needed.
      # Would have to rename this if the whole file is read by the compiler.

# Below follow more routines which are part of the final version of this file, 
# but I don't want to compile all of them each time, while I fiddle around with
# the latest addition, for now put the beginning of the file.
# OTOH I would like to have that code in the same file for easier copy-paste in
# case I need some parts of it while developing the new stuff at top of file.
python exit eof traceback systemexit



似乎LaTeX语法类似于编程语言,这使您难以寻找与\endinput类似的概念,而其中根本不存在。我认为没有一种方法可以随时停止脚本的“解析”,如果您希望脚本的一部分不“执行”,则需要调用exit或[C0 ],然后再将其包裹在注释栏中。

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