如何进行从 csv 列到某些自定义代码的自定义映射?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有生成的实体类(如MyClass),我需要读取一个csv文件,然后返回MyClass的列表。 在所有实体上,我们都有一个 readonly 属性 CreateOn。 要设置 CreatedOn,我们需要执行以下自定义代码: Attributes["overriddencreatedon"] = DateTime.Now;

CsvHelper 可以做这样的事情吗? :

public class MyClass // in real life, inherits from  Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedOn { get;} // Readonly because generated class...
    public Dictionary<string, object> Attributes { get; set; }

private class MyClassMap : ClassMap<MyClass>
    public MyClassMap()
        Map(f => f.Id).Name("Id");
        // Cannot do this : Map(f => f.CreatedOn).Name("CreatedOn");
        // Because CreatedOn is readonly
        // The goal is to store the value in the dictionary Attributes, not in the property CreatedOn because it is readonly
        // Instead, we need to do something like this:
        Map().XXX((row, x) => x.Attributes["overriddencreatedon"] = row.Row.GetField<DateTime>("CreatedOn"));
c# csv class mapping csvhelper


Map(f => f.Attributes).Convert(args =>
    return new Dictionary<string, object> {
        {"overriddencreatedon", args.Row.GetField<DateTime>("CreatedOn") }

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