使用PowerShell创建SQL Server存储过程的备份文件[关闭]

问题描述 投票:-2回答:1

我希望能够在更改它之前以.sql文件的形式创建SQL Server存储过程的备份。有没有一种将存储过程保存到文件夹的方法?任何帮助表示赞赏

sql-server powershell stored-procedures


PowerShell 'backup SQL stored procedure'

Using Powershell to backup your stored procedures and triggers



$rootDrive = "H:"

#the full path of the file that you want to script the stored procedures to
$strDate = (get-Date).tostring("yyyyMMddHHssmm")

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | out-null

$MyScripter=new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter")
$srv=New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" "localhost"
foreach($sqlDatabase in $srv.databases)
    $procs = $sqlDatabase.StoredProcedures
    $views = $sqlDatabase.views
    $tables = $sqlDatabase.tables
    $udfs = $sqlDatabase.UserDefinedFunctions
    $sqlDatabaseName = $sqlDatabase.name

    "************* $sqlDatabaseName"

    if($procs -ne $null)
        foreach ($proc in $procs)
            #Assuming that all non-system stored procedures have proper naming convention and don't use prefixes like "sp_"
            if ( $proc.Name.IndexOf("sp_") -eq -1 -and $proc.Name.IndexOf("xp_") -eq -1  -and $proc.Name.IndexOf("dt_") -eq -1)
                $fileName = $proc.name
                "Scripting SP $fileName"
                $scriptfile = "$rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\StoredProcedures\$filename.sql"
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\StoredProcedures -type directory -force | out-null
                $MyScripter.Options.FileName = $scriptfile
                #AppendTofile has to be 'true' in order that all the procs' scripts will be appended at the end
                $MyScripter.Options.AppendToFile = "true"

    if($views -ne $null)
        foreach ($view in $views)
            #Only script views that are properly named
            if ( $view.Name.IndexOf("View") -eq 0)
                $fileName = $view.name
                "Scripting View $fileName"
                $scriptfile = "$rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\Views\$fileName.sql"
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\Views -type directory -force | out-null
                $MyScripter.Options.FileName = $scriptfile
                #AppendTofile has to be 'true' in order that all the procs' scripts will be appended at the end
                $MyScripter.Options.AppendToFile = "true"

    if($tables -ne $null)
                $scriptfile = "$rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\AllTables.sql"
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName -type directory -force | out-null
                New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate -type directory -force | out-null
                $MyScripter.Options.FileName = $scriptfile
                #AppendTofile has to be 'true' in order that all the procs' scripts will be appended at the end
                "Scripting out creation script for all tables in $sqlDatabasename"
                $MyScripter.Options.AppendToFile = "true"

        foreach ($table in $tables)
                $tableName = $table.name
                if($table.triggers -ne $null)
                    foreach ($trigger in $table.triggers)

                        $fileName = $trigger.name
                        "Scripting trigger $fileName"
                        $scriptfile = "$rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\Triggers\$fileName.sql"
                        New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts -type directory -force | out-null
                        New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName -type directory -force | out-null
                        New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate -type directory -force | out-null
                        New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\Triggers -type directory -force | out-null
                        $MyScripter.Options.FileName = $scriptfile
                        #AppendTofile has to be 'true' in order that all the procs' scripts will be appended at the end
                        $MyScripter.Options.AppendToFile = "true"

    if($udfs -ne $null)
        foreach ($udf in $udfs)
            if ( $udf.Name.IndexOf("dm_") -eq -1 -and $udf.Name.IndexOf("fn_") -eq -1)
                    $fileName = $udf.name
                    "Scripting UDF $fileName"
                    $scriptfile = "$rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\UDFs\$fileName.sql"
                    New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts -type directory -force | out-null
                    New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName -type directory -force | out-null
                    New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate -type directory -force | out-null
                    New-Item $rootDrive\DatabaseScripts\$sqlDatabaseName\$strDate\UDFs -type directory -force | out-null
                    $MyScripter.Options.FileName = $scriptfile
                    #AppendTofile has to be 'true' in order that all the procs' scripts will be appended at the end
                    $MyScripter.Options.AppendToFile = "true"


SQL Database Backups using PowerShell Module – DBATools

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