部署在 Hedera 上的智能合约出现“未知错误:收据状态错误”

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在关注 这个 Hedera 教程,通过智能合约传输 hbar。


 ReceiptStatusError: receipt for transaction [email protected] contained error status CONTRACT_REVERT_EXECUTED

如何获得有关导致此错误发生的原因的更多详细信息? 我该如何解决它?


- Created Treasury account 0.0.4392985 that has a balance of 100 ℏ
- Created Alice's account 0.0.4392988 that has a balance of 100 ℏ

- Deploying contract...
- The smart contract ID is: 0.0.4392992
- The smart contract ID in Solidity format is: 0000000000000000000000000000000000430820

- Token ID (for association with contract later): 0.0.47931765

- Caller (Operator) PAYS 10 ℏ to contract (fallback/receive)...
- Contract balance (getBalance fcn): 10 ℏ

- Caller (Operator) PAYS 21 ℏ to contract (payable function)...
    super(props, `receipt for transaction ${props.transactionId.toString()} contained error status ${props.status.toString()}`);

ReceiptStatusError: receipt for transaction [email protected] contained error status CONTRACT_REVERT_EXECUTED
    at new ReceiptStatusError (/Users/michellacerone/Desktop/hedera-sc/node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk/lib/ReceiptStatusError.cjs:43:5)
    at TransactionReceiptQuery._mapStatusError (/Users/michellacerone/Desktop/hedera-sc/node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk/lib/transaction/TransactionReceiptQuery.cjs:273:12)
    at TransactionReceiptQuery.execute (/Users/michellacerone/Desktop/hedera-sc/node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk/lib/Executable.cjs:644:22)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async TransactionResponse.getReceipt (/Users/michellacerone/Desktop/hedera-sc/node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk/lib/transaction/TransactionResponse.cjs:86:21)
    at async contractExecuteFcn (/Users/michellacerone/Desktop/hedera-sc/index.js:181:28)
    at async main (/Users/michellacerone/Desktop/hedera-sc/index.js:67:13) {
  status: Status { _code: 33 },
  transactionId: TransactionId {
    accountId: AccountId {
      shard: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: false },
      realm: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: false },
      num: Long { low: 3969463, high: 0, unsigned: false },
      aliasKey: null,
      evmAddress: null,
      _checksum: null
    validStart: Timestamp {
      seconds: Long { low: 1682422103, high: 0, unsigned: false },
      nanos: Long { low: 737727129, high: 0, unsigned: false }
    scheduled: false,
    nonce: null
  transactionReceipt: TransactionReceipt {
    status: Status { _code: 33 },
    accountId: null,
    fileId: null,
    contractId: ContractId {
      shard: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: false },
      realm: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: false },
      num: Long { low: 4392992, high: 0, unsigned: false },
      evmAddress: null,```

How can I fix this? What does this error mean?
solidity evm hedera-hashgraph hedera

看起来不需要 tokenid,因为正在传输 hbar。我已经开始工作了,不知道是不是太晚了…… 我修改了下面调用函数contractParamsBuilderFcn中的代码:

应付金额 = 21; 气体限制= 8000000; 控制台.log(

\n- Caller (Operator) PAYS ${payableAmt} ℏ to contract (payable function)...

代替这个: const Params =等待contractParamsBuilderFcn(contractId, [], 2, tokenId);

我将其更改为: const Params =等待contractParamsBuilderFcn(contractId, payableAmt, 3, 0);


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