需要在 JSL 中的另一个函数中调用一个函数

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我正在使用下面的常规代码使用上传 ID 删除单个上传,但是在尝试使用上传 ID 进行多次删除时出现错误。

/* The below function will delete upload files */

def delete_upload(server_url,each_upload_id,authentication){

    def delete_upload_url  = server_url + "/api/v1/uploads/" + upload_id

    def response =  httpRequest consoleLogResponseBody: true,
                    contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON',
                    customHeaders: [[maskValue: false, name: 'id ', value: each_upload_id],
                    [maskValue: false, name: 'Authorization', value: authentication]],
                    httpMode: 'DELETE', ignoreSslErrors: true, responseHandle: 'NONE', url: delete_upload_url,
                    validResponseCodes: '100:599'
    def result = readJSON text: """${response.content}"""
    if(response.status == 202){
       println ("Status code")
    } else{ 
       throw new Exception("Incorrect upload id! Please give the correct upload id.")

    return result['message'].toString()

/* The below function will delete multiple uploads that exist in the server using upload id */

def delete_multiupload(server_url, upload_id, group_name, authentication){

   String filepath = readfile "/data/Make/upload id.txt"
   println (filepath)

   def list = filepath.split(','). collect {it}

   list.each {
   upload_id ->
   printin "Calling the delete API for the upload id: $upload_id"

   def delete_response = delete_upload (server_ur1,upload_id, group_name, authentication)


 The current scope already contains a variable of the name upload_id
 @ line 34, column 14.
      list.each {

1 error

delete_upload 函数工作正常。我正在尝试添加另一个函数 delete_multiupload 以删除多个上传。

要求:我需要在 delete_multiupload 中使用/调用 delete_upload 函数,以便它可以删除多个上传。


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