如何在R markdown中保持一个“这里肯定”

问题描述 投票:2回答:2



title: "Rest"
author: "Dowdy"
date: "3/23/2019"
output: pdf_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


## R Markdown

This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com>.

When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:

```{r cars}

Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. 

Hello friend. 

```{r star, results='asis',echo=F,eval=T, message=FALSE}

star = capture.output(stargazer(data.table(cars)[1:15],digits=3,type = "latex",summary=F,digits.extra = 2,header = F))

star = gsub("& \\$([0-9]+)\\$", "& \\$ 0.000 \\$", star)



Welcome to my world of toys.  Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.Welcome to my world of toys.
Welcome to my world of toys.
Welcome to my world of toys. gs I am testing heloo. 
Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. 

Of all the things I am testing heloo. Of all the things I am testing heloo. 

1. Test hi hihhihihih 

2. why is this hiiii

3. why test test test 

4. test test test


enter image description here



r latex r-markdown knitr figure


   - \usepackage{float}

在YAML标题中。然后,和according to the the stargazer manual一起,您可以使用参数table.placement = "H"设置float权限


参考:LaTeX/Floats, Figures and Captions


star = capture.output(stargazer(data.table(cars)[1:15], digits=3,
                      type = "latex",summary=F,digits.extra = 2,
                      header = F, table.placement = "H"))


当我更新我的tex时,我必须检查这一点,我可能需要更多关于你想要的信息,但是如果你想把表放在文本的中间,你需要做的就是删除\begin{center}\end{center}。 R块实际上可以用作任何你想要的复制粘贴,甚至可以用作网络链接。另外,你可以使用knitr的kable()作为表格,这有时会让事情变得更糟。当我有更好的互联网时,我会稍后再查看。

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