
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

FILE* readFile = fopen("readFile", "rb"); uint32_t b[2]; // buffer uint32_t k[4] = { ... the key ...}; FILE* writeFile = fopen("writeFile", "wb"); while(we haven't reached the end of readFile) { int read = 0; while((read = fread(b, 4, 2, readFile)) > 0) { doEncryption(b, k); fprintf(writeFile, "%d", b[0]); fprintf(writeFile, "%d", b[1]); } }




此代码可能会有所帮助。您只需要实现您的加密功能。它从srcFile读取8个字符到数组(char buf[9])。然后,通过在末尾添加buf[9]字符,将数组'\0'转换为字符串数组。然后,您可以根据需要使用该字符串。之后,将该字符串数组写入destfile。该循环运行直到满足EOF

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void main() { char srcFileName[25] = "file.txt"; char destFileName[25] = "destFile.txt"; FILE *srcFile; FILE *destFile; //printf("Enter name of a file you wish to encrypt\n"); //gets(fileName); //printf("Enter name of a destination file\n"); //gets(fileName); srcFile = fopen(srcFileName, "r"); destFile = fopen(destFileName, "w+"); if (srcFile == NULL || destFile == NULL) { perror("Error while opening the file.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int cntr = 0; char ch; char buf[9]; while(ch = fgetc(srcFile)) //Loop reads srcFile char by char { if (ch == EOF) // Looking for EndOfFile { buf[cntr] = '\0'; // Adding '\0' after last character //encrypt(buf); // Encryption goes here fputs(/*orMaybeEncrypt(*/buf/*)*/, fdest); // Or here; storing // string to destFile break; // Exit loop } if (cntr == 7) // checking for eighth caracter to be stored { buf[cntr]=ch; // adding eighth caracter to to buf[] buf[8] = '\0'; // Adding '\0' to buf[] after eighth character cntr=0; // zeroing counter //encrypt(buf); // Encryption goes here fputs(/*orMaybeEncrypt(*/buf/*)*/, destFile); // Or here; storing // string to destFile continue; // next iteration of loop } buf[cntr]=ch; // adding eighth caracter to to buf[] cntr++; // counting passes } fclose(srcFile); // closing files fclose(destFile); // closing files }

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