
问题描述 投票:1回答:1


f :: forall a. Data (D a) => D a -> b

给定D的某些数据类型instance Data (D a)(可能受a约束)。具体来说,考虑一下甚至简单的False `mkQ` isJust或一般情况下对更高类型数据类型的构造函数的查询。同样,考虑仅影响一种特定类型的更高级的转换mkT (const Nothing)

没有显式类型签名,它们将失败并显示为No instance for Typeable a0,这可能是工作中的单态性限制。很公平。但是,如果我们添加显式类型签名:

t :: GenericT
t = mkT (const Nothing :: forall a. Data a => Maybe a -> Maybe a)
q :: GenericQ Bool
q = False `mkQ` (isJust :: forall a. Data a => Maybe a -> Bool)


Could not deduce (Typeable a0)
   arising from a use of ‘mkT’
from the context: Data a
   bound by the type signature for:
              t :: GenericT
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous

我无法解决这个问题。如果我真的正确地理解a0t :: forall a0. Data a0 => a0 -> a0中的变量,那么它比说mkT not时还有什么歧义?如果有的话,我本来希望mkT抱怨,因为它是与isJust交互的那个。此外,这些函数比具体类型上的分支更具多态性。

[我很好奇这是否是证明内部约束isJust :: Data a => ...的限制-我的理解是,居住在Data中的任何类型的实例Maybe a也必须具有Data a才能被实例有效约束instance Data a => Data (Maybe a)

haskell generic-programming scrap-your-boilerplate rank-n-types



mkT :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> a) -> (b -> b)

并且您想将其应用于类型为(forall x. Maybe x -> Maybe x)的多态函数。这是不可能的:无法实例化a中的(a -> a)以获得(forall x. Maybe x -> Maybe x)


mkT只是比较具体类型ab在运行时是否相等。但是,您想要的是能够测试某些bMaybe x是否等于x。从根本上讲,这需要更多的逻辑。 但是肯定仍然可能。

[下面,mkT1首先将类型b与类型App相匹配,以了解b是否是某种类型的应用程序g y,然后测试gf的相等性:

-- N.B.: You can add constraints on (f x), but you must do the same for b.
mkT1 :: (Typeable f, Typeable b) => (forall x. f x -> f x) -> (b -> b)
mkT1 h =
  case typeRep @b of
    App g y ->
      case eqTypeRep g (typeRep @f) of
        Just HRefl -> h
        _ -> id
    _ -> id


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes, TypeApplications, GADTs #-}

import Type.Reflection

mkT1 :: forall f b. (Typeable f, Typeable b) => (forall x. f x -> f x) -> (b -> b)
mkT1 h =
  case typeRep @b of
    App g y ->
      case eqTypeRep g (typeRep @f) of
        Just HRefl -> h
        _ -> id
    _ -> id

mkQ1 :: forall f b q. (Typeable f, Typeable b) => (forall x. f x -> q) -> (b -> q) -> (b -> q)
mkQ1 h =
  case typeRep @b of
    App g y ->
      case eqTypeRep g (typeRep @f) of
        Just HRefl -> const h
        _ -> id
    _ -> id

f :: Maybe x -> String
f _ = "matches"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print (mkQ1 f (\_ -> "doesn't match") (Just 3 :: Maybe Int))  -- matches
  print (mkQ1 f (\_ -> "doesn't match") (3 :: Int))             -- doesn't match
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