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所以我正在使用访问Groupme API的请求(在此处https://dev.groupme.com/docs/v3中找到),并且我正在尝试向特定组发布文本(创建消息)。我进入了特定的组API,但是当我阅读文档时,它说要输入2个参数,而我却得到500错误。

这是我正在查看的部分的groupme api文档

Send a message to a group

If you want to attach an image, you must first process it through our image service.

Attachments of type emoji rely on data from emoji PowerUps.

Clients use a placeholder character in the message text and specify a replacement charmap to substitute emoji characters

The character map is an array of arrays containing rune data ([[{pack_id,offset}],...]).

The placeholder should be a high-point/invisible UTF-8 character.

POST /groups/:group_id/messages

      "message": {
        "source_guid": "GUID",
        "text": "Hello world ☃☃",
        "attachments": [
            "type": "image",
            "url": "https://i.groupme.com/123456789"
            "type": "image",
            "url": "https://i.groupme.com/123456789"
            "type": "location",
            "lat": "40.738206",
            "lng": "-73.993285",
            "name": "GroupMe HQ"
            "type": "split",
            "token": "SPLIT_TOKEN"
            "type": "emoji",
            "placeholder": "☃",
            "charmap": [


source_guid required
    string — Client-side IDs for messages. This can be used by clients to set their own identifiers on messages, but the server also scans these for de-duplication. That is, if two messages are sent with the same source_guid within one minute of each other, the second message will fail with a 409 Conflict response. So it's important to set this to a unique value for each message. 
text required
    string — This can be omitted if at least one attachment is present. The maximum length is 1,000 characters. 
    array — A polymorphic list of attachments (locations, images, etc). You may have You may have more than one of any type of attachment, provided clients can display it.

            type (string) — “image” required
            url (string) required — Must be an image service (i.groupme.com) URL
            type (string) — “location” required
            name (string) required
            lat (string) required
            lng (string) required
            type (string) — “split” required
            token (string) required
            type (string) — “emoji” required
            placeholder (string) — “☃” required
            charmap (array) — “[{pack_id},{offset}]” required


import requests
import uuid

# group me api post
GroupMeURL = "https://api.groupme.com/v3/groups/31713838/messages?token=KEY"
GUID = uuid.uuid4()
GUID = str(GUID)
data = {"source_guid": GUID, "text": "test"}
postWeather = requests.post(url=GroupMeURL, data=data) 


python python-requests guid
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