
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

iOS 和 macOS 有一个名为通用剪贴板的内置功能,可以使用 iCloud 在设备之间同步剪贴板的内容。

NSPasteboard.general.writeObjects("Test 123") 

我想在我的 Cocoa 应用程序上的通用粘贴板上写一些东西,以便在应用程序之间共享它,而不需要与其他 iCloud 设备同步。我无法找到办法做到这一点。事实上,我认为如果用户没有在设置中手动禁用它,这是不可能的。


通过通用类方法提供的通用粘贴板会自动参与 macOS 10.12 及更高版本以及 iOS 10.0 及更高版本中的通用剪贴板功能。没有用于与此功能交互的 macOS API。 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nspasteboard

但也许有一个解决方法,一个私有 API(我知道没有 App Store)或其他人可能知道的东西。 :)


ios macos clipboard nspasteboard

是的,通用粘贴板可供所有应用程序使用,但 NSPasteboard 可用于创建私有粘贴板。您需要做的就是:

let myPasteboard = NSPasteboard(name: NSPasteboard.Name("mypasteboard"))



let generalPasteboard = NSPasteboard.general

// current host only
generalPasteboard.prepareForNewContents(with: .currentHostOnly)
// write here to the pasteboard


对于活动用户会话,请使用 SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser。 该库是 libplist,它是跨平台的。此代码允许您禁用或启用剪贴板共享。纯C++代码。

// Assemble some arguments
const std::string plistPath = "/Users/" + activeUserSession + "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.coreservices.useractivityd.plist";
const std::string baseCommand = "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.coreservices.useractivityd.plist ClipboardSharingEnabled";
plist_t root_node = NULL;

// Read the plist file
int status = plist_read_from_file(plistPath.c_str(), &root_node, NULL);

// File doesn't exist, let's write a flag with the feature enabled (as that is the default value on mac)
if (status)
    // Create a new beautiful dictionary
    plist_t dict = plist_new_dict();

    // Set the initial value for ClipboardSharingEnabled to "1"
    plist_dict_set_item(dict, "ClipboardSharingEnabled", plist_new_string("1"));

    // Write the plist to the file
    status = plist_write_to_file(dict, plistPath.c_str(), PLIST_FORMAT_BINARY, PLIST_OPT_NONE);
    if (status != PLIST_ERR_SUCCESS)
        // If our file attempt for some reason would fail, let's try it with the shell as well just in case...
        status = system((baseCommand + " " + "1").c_str());

    // Free

    // PLIST_ERR_SUCCESS is 0, so success applies for system() call as well
    if (status != PLIST_ERR_SUCCESS)
        throw here

// Prepare for reading
plist_t read_root_node = NULL;
plist_format_t originalFormat;
status = plist_read_from_file(plistPath.c_str(), &read_root_node, &originalFormat);
char *clipboardSharingValue = NULL;

// If read was successful
if (status == PLIST_ERR_SUCCESS)
    // Check if the ClipboardSharingEnabled key exists and It's an actual string
    plist_t clipboardSharingEnabledItem = plist_dict_get_item(read_root_node, "ClipboardSharingEnabled");
    if (clipboardSharingEnabledItem && plist_get_node_type(clipboardSharingEnabledItem) == PLIST_STRING)
        // Retrieve the current value
        plist_get_string_val(clipboardSharingEnabledItem, &clipboardSharingValue);

    // Check state
    bool isEnabled = std::string(clipboardSharingValue) == "1";
    if (isEnabled != enableClipboardSharing)
        // Determine value to set
        const std::string valueToSet = enableClipboardSharing ? "1" : "0";

        // Write the desired value (0/1) as a string to ClipboardSharingEnabled in read_root_node and save
        plist_dict_set_item(read_root_node, "ClipboardSharingEnabled", plist_new_string(valueToSet.c_str()));

        // Save the updated plist to the file
        status = plist_write_to_file(read_root_node, plistPath.c_str(), originalFormat, PLIST_OPT_NONE);
        if (status != PLIST_ERR_SUCCESS)
            // If our file attempt for some reason would fail, let's try it with the shell as well just in case...
            status = system((baseCommand + " " + valueToSet).c_str());

    // Destruct a plist_t node and all its children recursively

    // PLIST_ERR_SUCCESS is 0, so success applies for system() call as well
    if (status != PLIST_ERR_SUCCESS)
        throw here

    throw here
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