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免责声明:我已尝试在Stack Exchange社区中搜索正确的位置并提出以下问题;但是,如果不知道正确的“术语”,那就很难了。如果我发现错误的目录,则很乐意收到此类反馈,但前提是您还可以提供有关最合适的目录/论坛的指南,以提出以下问题。如果以下查询不在StackOverflow的范围内,我很乐意将其移动到建议的目录/论坛中,以符合Stack Exchange的规则。


我已经听说过Cloud Computing的术语,但是我的问题只是关于Cloud Hosting的,老实说,我不知道它们是否是同一个人?虽然我知道不允许提出建议和/或商业问题/答案,但我并不是在问这样的问题。





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  1. PaaS-平台即服务:-服务提供商可以访问基于云的环境,用户可以在其中构建和交付应用程序。提供者提供底层基础结构。

  2. SaaS-软件即服务:-服务提供商通过Internet提供软件和应用程序。用户订阅该软件并通过Web或供应商API进行访问。

  3. IaaS-侵权即服务:-供应商为客户提供按需购买的访问方式,可以访问云中的存储,网络,服务器和其他计算资源。

我将为您提供有关Google Cloud Platform的简短描述。

i.Compute Engine [Virtual Machines, Disks, and Network] :- 

An IaaS service that provides virtual machines (VMs) hosted on
Google’s infrastructure. Competitor services include Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud, and on-premises equivalents such as OpenStack.

ii.App Engine [Managed Application Platform] :-

A PaaS service for building web applications and mobile backends
using container instances preconfigured with one of several
available runtimes, each of which include a set of standard App
Engine libraries. Competitor services include Amazon Elastic
Beanstalk and Microsoft Azure Web Sites.

iii.Cloud Storage [Object & File Storage and Serving] :-

A unified object storage service, offering a spectrum of storage
options including geo-redundant (low-latency, high QPS content
serving to users distributed across geographic regions), regional
(for workloads in a particular region), nearline (for data accessed
less than once a month), and coldline (for data accessed less than
once a year.) Competitor services include Amazon Simple Storage
Service (geo-redundant / regional) and Amazon Glacier (coldline).

iv.Cloud SQL [Managed MySQL]:-

A fully-managed MySQL database service for hosting relational MySQL
databases on Google’s infrastructure.

V.Google Cloud Virtual Network [Software Defined Network] :-

A set of Google-managed networking capabilities, including granular
IP address range selection, routes, firewalls, Virtual Private
Network (VPN) and Cloud Router for provisioning your GCP resources,
connecting them to each other and isolating them from one another in
a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

Vi. Cloud DNS [Programmable Domain Name Service]:- 

A managed authoritative Domain Name System (DNS) service running on
the same infrastructure as Google. Cloud DNS translates requests for
domain names into IP addresses and offers a UI, command-line
interface, and API for publishing and managing millions of DNS zones
and resource records.

现在问题来了,您想在gcp上托管您的wordpress网站,然后使用google marketplace在库中获取wordpress堆栈,您可以将其部署用于小型企业/工作。有关更多信息,请访问云提供商的官方文档。

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