用于信息提取的 PDF 到 HTML 和 OCR 解决方案

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我正在寻找云端或 SDK 格式的 PDF 转 HTML 和 OCR 服务解决方案。经过搜索,我发现互联网上有很多服务。我尝试了其中一些并得到了一些想法。我想知道你们中是否有人使用此类服务。

我最关心的是拥有一个自动化结构来生成可用于信息提取的 HTML 输出。我想要像表格一样的结构化数据输出。 (大多数服务提供 HTML 输出,格式为 -character 格式(每个字符的 CSS/HTML 标记)或 -paragraph 格式(每行的 CSS/HTML)。


  • Abbyy Cloud SDK(他们没有 PDF 到 HTML 服务,但 PDF 到 XML 可以通过 XSLT 支持转换为 HTML(也许)。此外,带有文本输出的 OCR 服务也相当不错)
  • cloudconvert.org(他们提供与基于 poppler-Xpdf3.0 的 Ubuntu pdftohtml 命令相同的结果)
  • pdftohtml commamd(在 Ubuntu 上测试) - 我得到的结果充满 < p >。
  • aspose.PDF(他们在云中没有 PDF 到 HTML 服务,但与 GDrive、Dropbox 和 Amazon s3 具有良好的集成。
  • PDFTron 的 PdfNET :我得到了一个具有复杂 CSS 和 HTML 结构的结果,几乎每个字符都有一个标签。
我的问题是,您是否知道任何其他值得尝试并获取结构 HTML 输出以进行数据提取的服务。


pdf ocr text-extraction html-content-extraction pdf-to-html
也许不是理想的解决方案,但这可以完成一些简洁的 PDF 到 hOCR 转换。您也许可以将输出保存到



def pdf_to_images_to_hocr(pdf_file_path: list, images_dir_path: str, output_hocr_file_path: str) -> None: """ OCR on images using tesseract. - Converts the PDF file to images. - Uses tesseract to perform OCR on the images. - Generates a hocr file. - The hocr file is stored in the output_hocr_file_path. - The images are stored temporarily in the images_dir_path. - Ensure that the directory exists. - The directory is cleared before and after the operation. Args: - pdf_file_path (str): Path to the PDF file. - images_dir_path (str): Path to the directory where the images will be stored temporarily. - output_hocr_file_path (str): Path to the hocr file. Docs: - https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Command-Line-Usage.html """ # ClearTextBack/temp/images/* should exist. os.system(f"rm -rf {images_dir_path}/*") image_file_paths = convert_pdf_to_images(pdf_file_path, images_dir_path) hocr_files = [] for image_file_name in image_file_paths: hocr_file = image_file_name.replace(".jpeg", "") os.system(f"tesseract {image_file_name} {hocr_file} -l eng hocr") hocr_files.append(hocr_file) with open(output_hocr_file_path, "w") as hocr_file: for hocr_file_path in hocr_files: hocr_file_path += ".hocr" with open(hocr_file_path, "r") as f: hocr_file.write(f.read()) os.system(f"rm -rf {images_dir_path}/*") print(f">> HOCR file {output_hocr_file_path} generated successfully.")

def convert_pdf_to_images(pdf_file_path: str, output_save_dir: str = '') -> list: """ Converts a PDF file to a list of images. - Uses the pdf2image package to convert the PDF file to images. - Returns a list of image file paths. - If output_save_path is provided, the images are stored in the output_save_path. - If output_save_path is not provided, are not stored. - Either way, the list of image file paths is returned. Args: - pdf_file_path (str): Path to the PDF file. - output_save_dir (str): Path to the directory where the images will be stored. Default is ''. Docs: - https://pypi.org/project/pdf2image/ Returns: - image_files (list): List of image file paths. """ from pdf2image import convert_from_path images = convert_from_path(pdf_file_path) image_files = [] for i, image in enumerate(images): image_file_path = f"{output_save_dir}/page_{i}.jpeg" if output_save_dir: image.save(image_file_path, "JPEG") image_files.append(image_file_path) print(">> PDF converted to images successfully.") return image_files

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