VBScript导出ppt / pptx到WMV

问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我是VBScript的新手,我有一个小任务:以“后台”模式将ppt / pptx文件导出到视频(WMV)。我通过Internet搜索,现在有了这个脚本:

On Error Resume Next
Dim oPowerPointApp
Set oPowerPointApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
   oPowerPointApp.DisplayAlerts = ppAlertsNone
   Dim oPresentation
   Set oPresentation = oPowerPointApp.Presentations.Open("D:\TestPresentation.pptx", msoTrue, , msoFalse)
   If Err.Number = 0 Then
      ' True - use the existing transitions, 5 sec per slide by default, 720 - height of the video, 30 - fps, 85 - quality[1;100]
      oPresentation.CreateVideo "D:\TestPresentation.wmv", True, 5, 720, 30, 85
      ' Now wait for the conversion to be complete:
         ' Don't tie up the user interface; add DoEvents to give the mouse and keyboard time to keep up.
         Select Case oPresentation.CreateVideoStatus
            Case PpMediaTaskStatus.ppMediaTaskStatusDone
               WScript.Echo "Conversion complete!"
               Err.Number = 0
               Exit Do
            Case PpMediaTaskStatus.ppMediaTaskStatusFailed
               WScript.Echo "Conversion failed!"
               Err.Number = 1
               Exit Do
            Case PpMediaTaskStatus.ppMediaTaskStatusInProgress
               WScript.Echo "Conversion in progress" ' For Debug only
            Case PpMediaTaskStatus.ppMediaTaskStatusNone
               ' You'll get this value when you ask for the status and no conversion is happening or has completed.
            Case PpMediaTaskStatus.ppMediaTaskStatusQueued
               WScript.Echo "Conversion queued" ' For Debug only
         End Select
         'WScript.Sleep 200
      'WScript.Sleep 5000
   End If
End If
WScript.Echo Err.Number

大多数情况下都可以正常工作。输出消息是“转换完成!”。但是会弹出一个“是-否”对话框:“此演示文稿当前正在导出到视频。关闭此演示文稿将中止该演示文稿的导出。您是否仍要关闭?”。现在,我需要避免显示此对话框。我尝试使用“睡眠延迟”,但没有成功。是否可以避免此对话框?最后使用PowerPoint 2016。谢谢。

vbscript powerpoint

如果关闭On Error Resume Next,则会在未声明的PpMediaTaskStatus上看到运行时错误,即,在此处声明或使用其数字值

  Select Case oPresentation.CreateVideoStatus
  Case 3 'PpMediaTaskStatus.ppMediaTaskStatusDone
    WScript.Echo "Conversion complete!"
    Err.Number = 0
    Exit Do
  Case 4 'PpMediaTaskStatus.ppMediaTaskStatusFailed
    WScript.Echo "Conversion failed!"
    Err.Number = 1
    Exit Do
  End Select
  WScript.Sleep 200 'it's in ms, so makes sense to set 1000 (1 sec)
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