
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在做leetcode 79 C++解决方案,你需要在二维矩阵中找到单词。我正在用回溯来做到这一点

class Solution {

bool backtrack(int row, int col, int N, vector<vector<char>>& matrix, const string& word, const int num_rows, const int num_cols, const int word_size, bool& result)
        if (word[N]==matrix[row][col])                                                  //Letter in matrix equals current word letter

        if (N==word_size or result)     //BASE CASE: Reached end of word
            return result = true;

                map_been[row][col] = true;    //Cell is used

                if (row!=0 and map_been[row-1][col]==0)}    //Going up
                    backtrack(row-1, col, N+1, matrix, word, num_rows, num_cols, word_size, result);

                if (col!=num_cols and map_been[row][col+1]==0)} //Going right
                    backtrack(row, col+1, N+1, matrix, word, num_rows, num_cols, word_size, result);

                if (row!=num_rows and map_been[row+1][col]==0)} //Going down
                    backtrack(row+1, col, N+1, matrix, word, num_rows, num_cols, word_size, result);

                if (col!=0 and map_been[row][col-1]==0)}    //Going left
                    backtrack(row, col-1, N+1, matrix, word, num_rows, num_cols, word_size-1, result);
                map_been[row][col] = false;         //clean-up map


        return result;

bool exist(vector<vector<char>>& matrix, string word)
        int num_rows = matrix.size();
        int num_cols = matrix[0].size();
        int word_size = word.size();
        bool result=false;
        vector<vector<bool>> map_been (num_rows, (vector<bool> (num_cols, false)))

        for (int i=0; i<num_rows; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<num_cols; j++)    //starting from every matrix position
                if (backtrack(i, j, 0, matrix, word, num_rows-1, num_cols-1, word_size, result))
                    return true;

        return false;

在每个递归步骤中,我有 4 个变体:向上、向左、向右或向下,每个步骤都会产生新的递归。我想知道当我找到整个单词(基本情况)时如何结束所有递归,因为现在当我找到它时,程序会继续向左、向右等计数。

c++ recursion backtracking



bool backtrack(int row, 
               int col, 
               int N, 
               const vector<vector<char>>& matrix, 
               const string& word)
    return N == word.size() // Found it.
        || ( // Validity checks.
               row >= 0
            && row < matrix.size()
            && col >= 0
            && col < matrix[0].size()
            && N < word.size()
            && word[N] == matrix[row][col]
            // Keep searching.
            && (   backtrack(row-1, col, N+1, matrix, word)
                || backtrack(row, col+1, N+1, matrix, word)
                || backtrack(row+1, col, N+1, matrix, word)
                || backtrack(row, col-1, N+1, matrix, word)));
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