
问题描述 投票:-1回答:1


Python benchmark results


from typing import List, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

def bubble_sort(elems: List[T]) -> List[T]:
    """Sorts a list using the bubble sort algorithm"""
    if not elems:
        return elems

    for mx in range(len(elems), 0, -1):
        for idx in range(1, mx):
            if elems[idx - 1] > elems[idx]:
                elems[idx - 1], elems[idx] = elems[idx], elems[idx - 1]

    return elems

def selection_sort(elems: List[T]) -> List[T]:
    """Sorts a list using the selection sort algorithm"""
    if not elems:
        return elems
    n = len(elems)
    for i in range(0, n):
        smidx = i
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
            if elems[smidx] > elems[j]:
                smidx = j
        elems[i], elems[smidx] = elems[smidx], elems[i]
    return elems

当然,还有测试 (使用PyTest和PyTest Benchmark):

import random
from sorting import *

entry = [48, 41, 23, 97, 36, 12, 78, 47, 62, 74, 69, 42, 94, 82, 35, 5, 7, 68, 73, 83, 49, 11, 56, 70, 8, 2, 24, 52, 89, 37, 50, 93, 61, 88, 91, 60, 95, 32, 29, 9, 28, 79, 30, 99, 45, 27, 19, 55, 46, 72, 96, 81, 14, 86, 22, 1, 63, 3, 34, 31, 59, 58, 66, 65, 80, 84, 92, 20, 75, 25, 67, 64, 90, 33, 18, 44, 54, 40, 38, 16, 98, 77, 71, 51, 4, 21, 53, 43, 87, 57, 39, 6, 76, 13, 10, 15, 85, 17, 26]

expected = list(range(1, 100))

def test_bubble_sort(benchmark):
    x = entry.copy()
    assert benchmark(bubble_sort, x) == expected

def test_select_sort(benchmark):
    x = entry.copy()
    assert benchmark(selection_sort, x) == expected


package algo

func BubbleSort(elems []int) []int {
    if elems == nil {
        return nil
    for mx := len(elems) - 1; mx >= 0; mx-- {
        for idx := 1; idx <= mx; idx++ {
            if elems[idx-1] > elems[idx] {
                elems[idx-1], elems[idx] = elems[idx], elems[idx-1]
    return elems

func Selection(elems []int) []int {
    if elems == nil {
        return nil
    n := len(elems) - 1
    for i := 0; i <= n; i++ {
        maxIdx := i
        for j := i + 1; j <= n; j++ {
            if elems[j] < elems[maxIdx] {
                maxIdx = j
        elems[i], elems[maxIdx] = elems[maxIdx], elems[i]
    return elems

Go benchmark results


func BenchmarkBubbleSort(b *testing.B) {
    for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
        var longSeq = []int{48, 41, 23, 97, 36, 12, 78, 47, 62, 74, 69, 42, 94, 82, 35, 5, 7, 68, 73, 83, 49, 11, 56, 70, 8, 2, 24, 52, 89, 37, 50, 93, 61, 88, 91, 60, 95, 32, 29, 9, 28, 79, 30, 99, 45, 27, 19, 55, 46, 72, 96, 81, 14, 86, 22, 1, 63, 3, 34, 31, 59, 58, 66, 65, 80, 84, 92, 20, 75, 25, 67, 64, 90, 33, 18, 44, 54, 40, 38, 16, 98, 77, 71, 51, 4, 21, 53, 43, 87, 57, 39, 6, 76, 13, 10, 15, 85, 17, 26}

func BenchmarkSelectionSort(b *testing.B) {
    for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
        var longSeq = []int{48, 41, 23, 97, 36, 12, 78, 47, 62, 74, 69, 42, 94, 82, 35, 5, 7, 68, 73, 83, 49, 11, 56, 70, 8, 2, 24, 52, 89, 37, 50, 93, 61, 88, 91, 60, 95, 32, 29, 9, 28, 79, 30, 99, 45, 27, 19, 55, 46, 72, 96, 81, 14, 86, 22, 1, 63, 3, 34, 31, 59, 58, 66, 65, 80, 84, 92, 20, 75, 25, 67, 64, 90, 33, 18, 44, 54, 40, 38, 16, 98, 77, 71, 51, 4, 21, 53, 43, 87, 57, 39, 6, 76, 13, 10, 15, 85, 17, 26}

是的,我知道在最好的情况下,选择排序可能比气泡排序更糟糕 (我不认为这是基于洗牌输入的情况),但为什么,如果是这样,为什么在Python中它的表现和预期一样?(比气泡排序快)。

我已经尝试过在 Go 中把 for 循环改成 range,但时间上还是一样。也许有人知道这里发生了什么?


python sorting go microbenchmark


忽略这一点,你的 Python 代码甚至没有测量排序一个特定数组的性能。相反,它只是取一个单一的全局数组,复制它 (entry.copy())在做基准测试之前(即在多次运行排序函数之前),准确地在原地进行一次排序,从那时起,每一次 "排序 "都是在已经排序的数组上进行的。因此,你的 Python 代码测量的是对原始输入的一次排序和对已经排序的输入的多次排序。

与此相反的是,Go 的实现在每次运行排序函数时都从一个新的数组开始。因此,你的 Go 代码测量的是原始输入的多次排序。

换句话说:你在 Python 和 Go 中测量的是完全不同的东西。

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