runnig pnpm run codegen 后在 graphql.ts 文件中多次导出同名

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堆叠使用 strapi cms ractjs(打字稿) Graphql 在运行 codegen 命令生成 graphql 查询后面临的问题 我收到错误的多个同名导出


import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'

const config: CodegenConfig = {
    overwrite: true,
    schema: 'http://localhost:1337/graphql',
    documents: './src/**/*.graphql',
    generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
            preset: 'client',
            plugins: [
                    'typescript-react-apollo': {
                        // Set the `hooks` option to `true` to generate hooks for queries
                        hooks: true

export default config

我需要修复这个错误 Multiple exports with the same

reactjs typescript graphql strapi codegen
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