为什么这个lua dijkstra的算法在某些情况下不起作用?

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我正在使用此站点的Dijkstra算法代码:qazxsw poi


当我从35 - > 36删除连接时,我已经确定问题消失了,但它没有解决问题。


我收到-- Graph definition local edges = { [34] = {[35] = 1,[37] = 1,}, [35] = {[34] = 1,[36] = 1,[46] = 1,}, [36] = {[35] = 1,[37] = 1,}, [37] = {[34] = 1,[36] = 1,}, [38] = {[46] = 1,}, [46] = {[35] = 1,[38] = 1,}, } -- Fill in paths in the opposite direction to the stated edges function complete (graph) for node, edges in pairs(graph) do for edge, distance in pairs(edges) do if not graph[edge] then graph[edge] = {} end graph[edge][node] = distance end end end -- Create path string from table of previous nodes function follow (trail, destination) local path, nextStep = destination, trail[destination] while nextStep do path = nextStep .. " " .. path nextStep = trail[nextStep] end return path end -- Find the shortest path between the current and destination nodes function dijkstra (graph, current, destination, directed) if not directed then complete(graph) end local unvisited, distanceTo, trail = {}, {}, {} local nearest, nextNode, tentative for node, edgeDists in pairs(graph) do if node == current then distanceTo[node] = 0 trail[current] = false else distanceTo[node] = math.huge unvisited[node] = true end end repeat nearest = math.huge for neighbour, pathDist in pairs(graph[current]) do if unvisited[neighbour] then tentative = distanceTo[current] + pathDist if tentative < distanceTo[neighbour] then distanceTo[neighbour] = tentative trail[neighbour] = current end if tentative < nearest then nearest = tentative nextNode = neighbour end end end unvisited[current] = false current = nextNode until unvisited[destination] == false or nearest == math.huge return distanceTo[destination], follow(trail, destination) end -- Main procedure print("Directed:", dijkstra(edges, 34, 38, true)) print("Undirected:", dijkstra(edges, 34, 38, false)) 的输出与当前egdes表内容,但当我删除35 - > 36之间的连接,它提供了良好的输出 - inf, 38

为了更容易理解我上传边缘表的图形表示:3, 34 35 46 38

正如你所看到的那样,当我们从34 - > 35 - > 46 - > 38开始时路线是正确的但是我很难过只有当35到36的连接不存在时它才有用。


lua dijkstra


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