
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我正在使用Photoshop CEP扩展名,并且正在使用jquery-confirm发出警报。我的问题是,在尝试将HTML表和一些变量传递给jquery-confirm警报时,我得到了<>!这是负责这部分的代码...function list_FoundLayers() { try { // Checks if should get layers data by layer name and HEX color or not. let layersData; if (htmlElements.content.specificNameTxtbox.value === "") { layersData = filter_layersData(false) } else { layersData = filter_layersData(true) }; // Creates a table row for each layer. let tableRows = []; for (let i in layersData) { let hasEffect; if (layersData[i][3] === 'true') { hasEffect = '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>' } else { hasEffect = '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>' }; let isVisible; if (layersData[i][4] === 'true') { isVisible = '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>' } else { isVisible = '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>' }; let tableRow = `<tr id="jc-table-layer-data-${i}" layerID="${layersData[i][1]}" class="inner-row"> <td>${layersData[i][1]}</td> <td>${layersData[i][5]}</td> <td>${layersData[i][0]}</td> <td>${hasEffect}</td> <td>${isVisible}</td> </tr>`; tableRows.push(tableRow); }; // Creates the whole HTML table. let htmlCode = `<table class="jc-table" id="jc-table"><thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Type</th><th>Name</th><th>FX</th><th>Visible</th></tr><tfoot><tr><td colspan="5">Found <b>${tableRows.length}</b> layers in total.</td></tr></tfoot><tbody>${tableRows}</tbody></table>` // Gives result using a jquery-confirm. commonAlert( 'blue', null, 'Found Layers', htmlCode, function() { manipulateHTMLElements('disable') }, function() { for (let i in layersData) { const $thisElement = $(`#jc-table-layer-data-${i}`); const $thisElementBackgroundColor = $($thisElement).css('backgroundColor'); // Select specific layer when user click on it. $($thisElement).click( function() { $(this).css('background', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'); selectById($(this).attr("layerID")) } ) // When user click anywhere else. $(document).mouseup( function(element) { if (!$thisElement.is(element.target) && $thisElement.has(element.target).length === 0) { $($thisElement).css('background', $thisElementBackgroundColor) } } ) }; }, function() { this.close() }, function() { manipulateHTMLElements('enable') } ); } catch (err) { catchJSErrorAlert(getStack(err.stack, 'fullStuck'), getStack(err.stack, 'fnName'), getStack(err.stack, 'fileName'), getStack(err.stack, 'lnNum'), getStack(err.stack, 'colNum'), err.name, err.message); }; };



是问题的图像。我正在使用Photoshop CEP扩展程序,并且正在使用jquery-confirm发出警报。我的问题是,当我尝试将HTML表和一些变量传递给...
javascript photoshop-script jquery-confirm
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