SEQUOIA (R) - 运行亲子分配步骤 sequoia() 时出错

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

在 sequoia 包中运行以下重复检查和亲子关系分配时:

ParOUT <- sequoia(GenoM = Geno, LifeHistData = LH, Err=0.005, Module="ped", 
                  UseAge = "no",
                  quiet = FALSE, Plot = TRUE)


Warning:  There are 2111 SNPs scored for <5% of individuals, these will be excluded 

Warning:  There are 1 monomorphic (fixed) SNPs, these will be excluded 

Warning:  In addition, there are 52874 SNPs scored for <50% of individuals 

Warning:  *********** There are 8 individuals scored for <5% of SNPs, these WILL BE IGNORED *********** 

After exclusion, There are  40  individuals and  185843  SNPs.

Ageprior: Flat 0/1, overlapping generations, MaxAgeParent = 4,4
Error in if (!is.double(MAF) || any(MAF < 0 | MAF > 1)) { : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

什么是 if (!is.double(MAF) || any(MAF < 0 | MAF > 1)) {} 检查我的数据中可能缺少的内容?

我尝试了上面的方法以及运行 Module= 作为“ped”和“par”,结果没有区别。

r genetics pedigree
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