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private getMap(): Array<ViewG> { const gW = ViewManager.getView().getGW(); return gW.reduce((currentG, w) => { const GS = this.query.getAppliedGW(w); currentG.push([{ GS, priority:appliedGP[GS] }]); return currentG; }, []); } public getHighest(): ViewG { const entries = [...this.getMap()]; if (entries.length !== 0) { const highestG = entries.reduce((prev, current) => prev.priority > current.priority ? prev : current )[0]; return highestG; }
javascript typescript
public getHighest(): ViewG { //1. Take all GWs like in getMap() const gW = ViewManager.getView().getGW(); //2. call .reduce() again to go over them return gW.reduce((prev, w) => { //3. transform to a GS const GS = this.query.getAppliedGW(w); //4. instead of populating an array, just create the element const current = { GS, priority: appliedGP[GS] }; //5. extract the previous priority in a null safe way: const prevPriority = prev?.priority ?? -Infinity; // ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ // | || | // optional chaining ----- || | // nullish coalescing operator ------- | // fallback value in the case of null ------ //5. compare with the previous one and return the higher priority return prev.priority > current.priority ? prev : current; }, null ); // ^^^^ the default value }
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